semantic similarity rating poll 1 (Jan 1-March 31)

Feb 09, 2006 09:46

Below the cut tag are pairs of English words. Please rate them from 1 (not at all related) to 5 (very related) based on how similar you think their meanings are. Examples of words with very similar meanings are: IDEA--NOTION, DOG--HOUND, JUMP--LEAP, GLISTEN--GLIMMER, LOVE--ADORE, etc - the meanings are not identical, but they are quite similar. Note that there are many pairs of words like GLISTEN-GLIMMER and SNORE-SNOOZE that have both similar meanings and similar pronunciations/spellings. There are also many pairs like CURT-CART and SLIM-SLAM that have very similar spellings/pronunciations, but do not have similar meanings. Your rating should only judge the MEANING similarity between the two words in each pair. There is no *right* answer - the whole reason I am collecting this data is to see which pairs are judged similarly by many people and which pairs get very different scores from different people. Try to go through the set fairly quickly and rely on your first instinct rather than thinking about it too much.

Poll semantic similarity rating 1
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