Name: Ryuuto
Personal LJ:
dblrainbowfairyContact Info: AIM - felledjustice
Other Characters Played: N/A
Preferred Housing: Hawthorne Family with permission from Marluxia-mun (Ana), but otherwise no preference.
Character Name: Neku Sakuraba
Character Series: The World Ends With You
Character Age: 15
Background: General story -’s story - Personality: First and foremost, Neku isn’t a people person. He’s highly reluctant to form close bonds with anyone, let alone interact with someone. At first, he blatantly refused to listen to anyone, but Shiki changes this a little. Neku just wants to be left alone in his own world, living life as he sees fit. He doesn’t form connections easily because he feels that people weigh him down. This stems from the death of a close friend of his in the past, which makes him realize that people will only let him down. Thus, he puts on headphones to block out everyone else, and in the beginning cut scene he even thinks to himself that everyone should keep their opinions to themselves.
He’s also blunt, especially when he talks about other people. Neku tells Shiki to her face that he doesn’t need her and doesn’t need to open up to her. He rarely minces his words, but there are times in which he doesn’t say what he really wants to say. Neku keeps his much of his opinion of someone to himself, and is reluctant to share what’s on his mind. He’s an introvert for the most part, only asking for help when he knows he’s out of his league. The best example is during Week One, when Neku lost all of his memories. He had to rely on Shiki to guide him around Shibuya, not to mention figure out how to complete each mission. Neku takes a realistic approach to life, so much so that he can come off as mean when it’s coupled with his bluntness.
Despite his negative attitude, Neku does have the capacity to care. This is once more seen in Week One, after the truth about Shiki’s entry fee comes to light. He’s sincerely sympathetic to what she’s going through, but he’s very awkward about it. He doesn’t know how to approach her, which is seen in his hesitance to talk to her. Neku has no experience in making things better for someone else, and fumbles when he tries to make an effort to help her. Yet, he does manage to help her get through it all, and encourages her to be herself rather than trying to be her friend, Eri. Because he opened up to her, she becomes his entry fee in the second Game since the entry fee is the thing the Player holds most dear.
As far as his temper goes, it’s pretty fiery. When it’s flared, he can get nasty and start shouting. His patience is somewhere in between easy to anger and not so easy to anger. It really depends on the situation he’s in. For example, he tolerated Joshua in Week Two because he had no choice if he wanted to survive and get Shiki back to her life. Granted, Neku did let his temper go a few times, but they mostly dealt with the truth about his death and Joshua’s connection to it. At the same time, it’s easy to annoy him, perhaps especially with perky people like Shiki (at least in the beginning).
Neku is a firm believer in living life free and “enjoying the moment.” He’s a major CAT fan since it was CAT’s ideals of having a free life that draws him in. His mantra is also thanks to CAT, which is to “enjoy the moment.” He takes it to heart, and openly shows admiration for CAT during Week Two. Essentially, the mysterious figure known as CAT is his idol, and is especially drawn to the paintings CAT creates. The most prominent painting is the mural in the Udagawa Backstreets, which is also the scene of his murder.
Yet, even though he makes an effort to keep people away from him, to ignore their “worlds,” it’s during Week Two that he starts to question whether his philosophy is really the right way to approach it. He starts to wonder if maybe reaching out and trying to understand them is a better way to look at it. Neku is still hesitant to do so, hesitant to open himself up again to other people. Perhaps after hearing his own philosophy from someone else makes him realize that maybe it’s worth his while to try to better understand people, what the “rules” of their worlds are. This is also a combination of being Shiki’s partner and getting to know a little about Sanae Hanekoma, who has given him advice that he’s taken to heart, most likely more so now that he knows that Hanekoma is the man behind CAT. He’s trying to reach out, to expand the horizons of his own world, which is a significant change from the person he used to be, but he’s still got a ways to go.
Abilities: Neku has a strong Imagination, which allows him to use the abilities locked inside every pin, called psyches (thus making him a psychomancer). Their abilities are varied. For example, one pin can heal or a different one can use pyrokinesis or another can use telekinesis. He can use six pins at a time, and they have to be on him in order for him to use them. The Player Pin allows him to look into the minds of others, but he can only really look at one person's thoughts at a time. Otherwise, he's perfectly normal.
Sample Entry:
[Neku growls into the receiver, extremely peeved by something.]
Is there anyone I can spend a night or seven with? Or even have tips on how to deal with psychotic fake dads? The old man I have the bad luck to be with is starting to drive me up a wall with his obsession to flowers.
[At least the "mom" I can ignore, but this guy? Think I'd prefer even someone like Joshua as a "dad."]
Fair warning to everyone on Stevens: don't touch the garden that's in some Marluxia's place. The psycho's already sat me down to tell me, and you'd think that I was doing a capital offense if I so much as breathed on those flowers.