I love our Jordan toothbrushes so much. Ever since I first saw the Individual I've been cruising the toothbrush section of the supermarkets like I cruised the glossy magazine racks when I was a kid yearning for Paperinik and Illustrerad Vetenskap. The colours are vivid, the design is soft, but what really gets to me is the descriptive packaging. I
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It must truly be spring: Selma brought with her a lovely little mouse, sans tail, to her mum and dad today. Since she's still a little dolt, she forgot she'd brought it with her the instant she came inside, but we appreciated the gesture anyway.
"As the monsoon first lands on your increasingly bending back your perceptions on rain subtly changes from 'oh, it's nice every once in a while and it does the grass some good', into the awareness that it's actually all about the weather repeatedly smacking you in the face with a hunk of ocean."
Chuck Norris once had sex in a truck. A drop of his seed escaped during the act and made its way into the engine. Thoday, this truck is known as Optimus Prime.
Oh dear lord. I just farted, and it decided to roll forward and lodge itself in my cunt like a blob of gas and I couldn't get it out without sticking my fingers in there. I've never laughed at myself harder, I don't think.
Oops, lights out! Who else is sitting in the dark, being good for Earth Hour? I don't think anybody I know except myself really cares about this, which is a shame. I should have advertised earlier, or something.
I believe I've written about five or so posts in my mind over the past weeks, but I never really got down to actually writing them up. I don't think it matters much; most of it's been whining. But today I've actually sat down and done something - other than the everyday chores of washing up, cooking, looking for work, et.c. - different than what I
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Hai, fellow KH-tards, did you guys know there was once a French chemist named Anselme Payen? I didn't. Apparently he was the first person to discover enzymes. That's pretty macho.