Title: Unforeseen Complications Author: Eumenides (flowerofsin) Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Shinji/Aizen Word Count: 1,323 Summary: Mild spoilers for the 'Turn Back the Pendulum' arc of the manga. When absolute hypnosis goes absolutely wrong.
Title: From Roleplay to Reality, Part Two Author: Eumenides (flowerofsin) Rating: NC-17 overall Pairing: Gin/Tousen!Aizen, Aizen/Gin/Tousen Warnings: none Summary: Fantasy gets eclipsed by reality. No spoilers. Part One
Title: From Roleplay to Reality Author: Eumenides (flowerofsin) Rating: NC-17 overall Pairing: Gin/Tousen!Aizen, Aizen/Gin/Tousen Warnings: none Summary: Fantasy gets eclipsed by reality. No spoilers.
Title: Worship Author: Eumenides (flowerofsin) Pairing: Aizen/Tousen Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 797 Warnings: none Summary: A bit of smut. Aizen and Tousen in the throne room. Disclaimer: Kubo Tite owns Bleach. I just play perverse games with his characters.
Title: The Good Kind of Ache Author: Eumenides (flowerofsin) Fandom: Bleach Characters: Aizen, Tousen Prompt: 004 (sore) Word Count: 1,238 Rating: NC-17 Summary: A moment between lovers. No spoilers (this one could take place in any arc, to be honest) Warnings: Beware of m/m loving. Disclaimer: I own nothing from Bleach. Kubo Tite rules all.