Dec 18, 2010 20:15

Well, I sort of wrote personal canon facts fic all day instead of my Yuletide one. Oops.

Caprica (Daniel/Amanda)
approx 500 worth of boring Graystones backstory I made up as the show was cancelled and my heart is FOREVER SAD. Like, duh. PG.


Daniel first notices her in music theory back when they were still in school. They were going over dodecaphony again when he spots a lively blonde sitting towards the front, also not focusing on the day’s lecture.

From friends, he learns her name-“Amanda, of course”-and that she plays the violin, but has experiences with the harp and flute. From professors, he learns she’s actually a biology student who has a promising career ahead of her if she could only learn how to focus. From his own observations, he figures she is too much of a wild card to just be direct-a route he admits he takes more often than he should-with his interests, so he spends the rest of that semester planning his best course of action.


They officially meet on accident. Amanda’s late to an appointment with a psychologist on her mother’s payroll. Daniel gets lost on his way to a study session with a couple classmates from computer science class-not that he needs help; he just has nothing planned for that day-when he stops her amidst the crowd for directions to the New Caprica Library.

“You were in my music theory class last semester,” she says, taking attention off the makeshift map she’s making on a café napkin. “Daniel, correct?”

He simply replies, smiling, “Yes, I didn’t realize you noticed anyone outside friends.”

“I noticed anyone who did not want to be there,” Amanda returns, “and you clearly did not want to be there.” She hands him the map seconds later, completed.

“I am only interested in playing music, not dissecting it. Some things are better left as a mystery.”

They share a laugh, and then part seconds later. “Uh, sorry, I must run. Classmates are waiting.” “I am not sure my… my, uh… can wait much longer.” It takes four hours for Daniel to notice Amanda had written her phone number on the opposite side of her map. It takes only three minutes for him to decide to call her.


The afternoon they got engaged, Amanda’s parents invited Daniel over for a celebratory dinner for the following night. It was only the second time he has met them, and they spend the entire time discussing Pyramid (“Frankly, I barely understand the rules,” admits Amanda. “She’s never been fond of sports,” replies her mother, chuckling. “Directly against my wish,” adds her father.), his plans for their daughter (“James!” “-No, no, it’s all right. I can answer.” “I only what’s best for my only daughter.” “Then, sir, I should return the engagement ring.”), and his home life (“Daniel, you never talk about your mother-or the rest of your family for that matter. What’s she like?” “Like him,” Amanda interjects before he could reply. “Only nicer.”).


When Amanda gets the news about Zoe, she immediately jumps into her car and drives down to Daniel’s office at Graystone Industries, only to learn he did the same from Cyrus.

Doctor Who (Martha Jones)
mhm sort of gen fic, but there are allusions to different ships, because I mulitship Martha like whoa, and sort of au with the third and fifth. whatevs my Martha/Ten love will never stop against my better judgement. 546 words. PG.


Martha decides to become a doctor the day her grandmother dies. She sees the pain in her mother’s eyes when they got the call, and hears the denial in Tish’s voice when she whispers “but I just visited her two days ago”. And it is the anger in her father’s that makes her realize her family won’t be able to bounce back, so she promises she won’t allow another death tear a family apart.


She often thinks about the different men she had met while travelling with the Doctor.

There was Shakespeare. Martha shares this with Tosh after a night in with Eastenders and wine. “You know, I’ve snogged Shakespeare. No, no. Wait. He snogged me,” she slurs, laughing.

“No,” Tosh says, “you couldn’t have. He couldn’t have”

“Why not?” Martha slides off her couch to sit with her sister. “I did and he did when I travelled with the Doctor, and it was good. Well. Good for a guy with poor hygiene.” A beat. “There was also Riley from the future. He was good too. Hot.”

They will laugh harder at the absurdity of their conversation later, because for right now, they fall asleep.


Martha calls Gwen every Sunday without fail. They talk about their careers and relationships, then share funny stories about Jack. After the fifth phone call, Gwen asks if she misses travelling with her Doctor. “I do. Sometimes,” Martha replies. “There are days where I miss the sense of adventure more than anything.”

“And the others?”

“Him. I miss him. I miss mostly him,” Martha says, sighing. There is a sense of relief over getting it out in the open nevertheless.


When UNIT sends her to New York, she goes through some newspaper archives to see what became of Tallulah and Laszlo, and Frank. It takes her two weeks to find Tallulah’s obituary and a day to track down her death certificate. She died of lung cancer in 1958. Survived by her two sons and husband, Richard. “That means,” she starts, but does not finish.

It takes another week to learn about Laszlo. He died weeks after the Doctor and she left, but Martha is sure it wasn’t a lonely death. He, at least, had Tallulah by his side.

It takes a month longer to track down Frank. Somehow he ended up in Boston where he enlisted in the army during the war. He dies in combat, protecting the people he cared for. She closes her laptop and decides to go out for a walk.


The Doctor shows up on her birthday a year later. Like nothing happened. Like she has not moved on. And asks if she was interested in picking up where they left off. She laughs. “Where we ‘left off’ was me admitting I had feelings for you.”

“What if I said I return those feelings,” he replies with that same goofy grin he had when they first met. Or when she first met him. Or… technicalities not worth mentally arguing.

“I would say you’re mad. You have gone mad, haven’t you?”

“No, no. No. Of course not. Just come with me, Miss Jones, for old time’s sake,” the Doctor says, offering his hand, smiling. She takes it moments later.

Life on Mars (Sam/Annie)
this show sort of intimidates me, and I am kind of shocked I actually managed to write personal canon for them. luckily I don't actually crosspost any of my fics here on livejournal, so no one but you lot will see this. also I ignored Ashes to Ashes canon with this. meaning this is slightly au, I guess. whatevs, whatevs. you don't know my life etc. approx 400 words. PG.


Sam learns of Anne’s birthday by through pillaging through stacks of papers located in Gene Hunt’s office weeks before. When asked why he didn’t just ask her, he replies, “I wanted to surprise you for once.”

“‘For once?’”, she says, and he can hear the smile in her voice. “You’re a mystery I plan to solve, Sam Tyler.”


On the coldest day in January, Annie comes in sick. She’s coughing, sneezing, and running a fever. She’s for all intent and purposes sick; nevertheless, she reports in for duty.

“Go home, Annie,” Sam says, stressing her name as if she were a child.

“The lot of you need me,” she replies, matter-of-factly. “Can’t tie your shoes without me.”

“Phyllis can cover you. Go home, Annie.”

“Who’ll clean the cells?” Annie adds.

“I’ll have Chris do them.”

“Run the paperwork?”

“Ray.” Sam places his arm around and starts leading her towards the door.

“Sam, just let me…” she begins.

“Go home, Annie,” he finishes, pushing her outside. “You still stay at your previous place? I’ll bring you some soup.”


They go to Annie’s family’s place for their first Christmas together, and she forgets to tell him she has a family. A loud, humorous family made up of her mother and father, three brothers and their wives, a sister and her husband, and too many children to count. So Sam spends the entire night ducking questions about his “fragile” sanity (“Annie, what did you tell them?” “Oh, nothing you didn’t tell me,” she says, amused.) and making bets about the upcoming parliamentary election. When the night is over, they call it a success.


They never marry. Sam proposes after three years, so they are officially engaged to be married, but they never set the date. So, after a year of waiting, Mrs. Cartwright phones every fortnight to ask why they haven’t picked a venue, sent out “save the date” postcards, or anything really. Annie laughs, uncomfortably. Sam gets bothered. Eventually someone shouts “February 30, 1979”, and Mrs. Cartwright is pleased with the answer.

“Can’t believe that worked.”

“We should unplug the phone before she calls back upset. Your mother will find out February 30th doesn’t exist from someone.”

“Good idea.”

fanfiction, doctor who, life on mars, caprica

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