My ego is killing me.

Dec 03, 2010 17:44

Now I feel socially obligated to acknowledge my disappointment in this episode over here on Livejournal since the subject has been dominating my non-quality Tumblr for the past twelve hours, but I cannot find the desire to write up my thoughts on the subject again. There were only two things I got out of last night's episode: (1) though it is taking forever and a day for Jeremy and Bonnie to get together, they remain perfection - questionable judgement, yes, but perfection nevertheless - and (2) Damon Salvatore is no longer worthy of my time and effort.

Otherwise, I have do not have much to say on any other Thursday night television programs. I mean, Fringe remained flawless, Always Sunny is Always Sunny, and I have yet watched last night's Community. I have been primarily focused on writing random paragraphs on why Daniel/Amanda is my favorite OTP in ages, because my mind is still on Caprica and wondering why god why was it cancelled. Oh, I have barely started writing my Yuletide assignment, but that is Classic Crystal, so I am not worried. I'll probably sit down Sunday morning and start writing something. I am writing for Caprica, so something should come out sooner rather than later. Y'know?

the vampire diaries, oh my tumblr, caprica

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