That stuff you play it sounds so passé.

Oct 27, 2010 11:34

Right now, I have been working on various essays for my coursework whilst balancing it was writing random Doctor Who, Pushing Daisies and Vampire Dairies fic. The life choices I made are beautiful stunning fierce because I keep finding myself working on the wrong things in wrong word document-like, uh, the Doctor Who/Pushing Daisies fic I started made its way into the report I wrote up for my Women Studies history course, and I didn't realize it until I got, like, five hundred words in. I was wondering why it was double spacing.

But the above was besides the point. I am so fantastic at going on unrelated tangents. I've been meaning to do for ages when flumes and I had a discussion over my tastes in pop music a couple days after I got my computer back and she asked me to list my favorite albums. I have this sinking feeling people who know me extraordinarily well will not be terribly surprised at this because, I admit, my tastes could be easily considered "basic", and I don't believe I threw any curve balls, though I am not completely sure. It's, uh, well-pop is a vast genre with possibly hundreds of sub-genres (I think people often forget) that I don't think it'll ever be possible for me to straight out name honest to god favorites. So, after narrowing the field down to albums released in the last decade, I figured it would be worth a shot.

Top Ten Contemporary Pop Albums

Honorable Mentions

I wholeheartedly believe a Top Ten list isn't complete without a few honorable mentions because, if you are like me, you love finding little loopholes in everything you do. So, right. They are Lykke Li's Youth Novels, Robyn's Body Talk Pt 1, Beyonce's B'Day, and The Bird and the Bee's Please Clap Your Hands. I could have easily included a couple more albums/EPs, but these four had the greatest 'minimum' impact, I guess.

Favorite Tracks: "Little Bit", "Cry When You Get Older", "Irreplaceable", "Polite Dance Song"

#10 Nelly Furtado - Loose

Nelly Furtado, along with Justin Timberlake, practically ushered in the Summer of Timbaland™ in 2006, and I enjoyed every bit. (It frankly reminded me of my childhood, LOL.) There were complaints she had "sold out" with her release of Loose, but I cannot agree with that statement. Whilst it was different from her past releases, Nelly always maintained in interested in R&B blended pop music, see "Shit on the Radio", and later tracks still kept the classic Nelly Furtado themes. It was just a lovely progression and, whilst there were a few weak tracks, the rest more than made up for them.

Favorite Tracks: "Maneater", "Glow", "Say It Right", "Wait For You", and "Somebody to Love"

#9 Alphabeat - The Spell

I would be the person who lists an album that screams out its 90s dance-pop music riffs throughout their melodies.-I mean, I was first introduced to Alphabeat by way of "Fascination", "Boyfriend", and their delicious 80s vibe, but I didn't super fall in love until "The Spell", the single, was released last year. The beautiful, stunning, fantastic Stine Bramsen's voice was just made for dance-pop they were inspired by. Like, love her. Now critics of The Spell cited going this direction was a bad career move since it didn't allow the six to, uh, solidify their "sound" but I am not sure about that. The Spell was seemed like a natural progression to me, especially if you compare it to the UK bonus tracks from This Is Alphabeat.

Favorite Tracks: "The Spell", "DJ", "Heat Wave", "Heart Failure", and "Q&A"

#8 Utada - Exodus

I was stuck between choosing Exodus or ULTRA BLUE as they were both fantastic in their own rights. I went with Exodus, however, since it was the album that properly introduced me to Utada Hikaru's music. Now I always felt disappointment that this album wasn't a huge hit in the States, though there could've been any factors to it. America isn't exactly open to an Asian popstar (which, I must add, is bullshit), and Exodus was fairly "ahead of its time".-I mean, "Devil Inside" or "You Make Me Want to Be a Man" could easily be hits today when it was written six years ago. This album was really just a quiet revolutionary album that most wrote off based on Utada's ethnicity or whatever bullshit reason. (I am still bitter over her second English LP nevertheless. It was like she musically regressed.)

Favorite Tracks: "Devil Inside", "Hotel Lobby", "Animato", and "Kremlin Dusk"

#7 Aaliyah - Aaliyah

If you ever find yourself wondering if the "Timbaland sound" will age well against time, you need to take a look at Aaliyah's self-tiled album. It was and still is a brilliant R&B/Pop joint. This album was an absolute showcase of what Aaliyah was legit capable of doing, though she didn't receive a single writing credit it.-I mean, Aaliyah managed to cross her over to pretty much the white audience whilst keeping it true to herself and GOD it was just so damn amazing. It's a shame we lost someone so talented at such a young age. Though I have my doubts she would've had a Beyonce level career, she would've continued to have a long respectable one, if that makes sense.

Favorite Tracks: "We Need A Resolution", "More Than A Woman", "I Care 4 You", and "I Refuse"

#6 Marina & the Diamonds - The Family Jewels

I admit I wasn't too sure I should include this as it just come out this year, so it hadn't had the proper chance to age; however, I absolutely adore Marina's debut. Her songs, while focusing on her insecurities regarding the music industry and other zany things, are very much relatable and she manages to keep a genuine sense of humor throughout. I'll definitely be listening to The Family Jewels for years to come.

Favorite Tracks: "Shampain", "The Outsider", "Oh No!", and "The Family Jewels"

#5 Rihanna - Good Girl Gone Bad

So, right. I love Rihanna.-She doesn't have the best voice, but I don't see why people would be so upset over that as she has an unique sound. You cannot mistake her for some other pop star since Rihanna just radiant fantastical amazement. Now I feel sort of basic for listing Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded over Rated R because the latter was the stronger album of the two but GGGB is just another wonderful example of how strong pop music has been over the past few years. This was a single album. Every song could've been released and done extremely well and that's why I have no qualms over people calling it her Thriller. Yes, it wasn't as influential as Michael's album, but it had similar concepts.

Favorite Tracks: "Umbrella", "Don't Stop The Music", "Shut Up and Drive", "Rehab", and "Disturbia"

#4 Kylie Minogue - X

Somehow Kylie and the world decided this wasn't her best album, and I frankly don't understand. Whilst it did suffer from some awkward transitions and I would've personally removed a couple weaker tracks, it showed tremendous musical growth, and it was worthy of being Kylie's 'comeback' album after her battle with beast cancer. So I was sort of disappointed learning she was going back to the classic Kylie sound with Aphrodite.-I mean, it wasn't a horrible LP by any means, but it was two steps back after X.

Favorite Tracks: "Speakerphone", "Sensitized", and "Stars"

#3 Justin Timberlake - FutureSex / LoveSounds

It's, uh-I have the largest irrational Justin Timberlake issues, but I can even admit how fucking magnificent this album is. Every song could've been a potential single, yet it flowed so well because it lacks any filler. I admit I can be over-dramatic but FutureSex/LoveSounds is frankly a modern pop masterpiece. Timberlake and company know how to craft a brilliant melody, and it deserved every bit of praise. So yeah, though this may sound strange coming from me, I do respect Timberlake always for this album. It's flawless. Now can he please stop this acting business and return to the recording studio?

Favorite Tracks: "My Love", "LoveStoned", "What Goes Around... / ...Comes Around" and "Summer Love"

#2 Annie - Don't Stop

You lot cannot even begin to fathom how much I love Don't Stop.-Like, it perfectly represents everything I look for in a "perfect" electropop album. The beats are perfectly light and airy, yet something most would consider "edgy" still remains and Annie's vocals just magnificently entwines. I have heard complaints that she doesn't "emote" enough when she sings, but I have never found that to be the case. She's just so stunning. If Nicola Roberts from Girls Aloud ever embarked on a solo career, I would hope she would turn to Anne Strand for guidance. They are one in the same.

Favorite Tracks: "My Love Is Better", "I Don't Like Your Band", "Songs Remind Me of You", "Take You Home", "All Night" and "I Know UR Girlfriend Hates Me"

#1 Girls Aloud - Chemistry

I am sure it isn't surprising a Girls Aloud album is on the top of my list, but I am sure it is surprise that it isn't Tangled Up. That album is often both the fan and critic's favorites, but I must patiently disagree. With "Biology", "Swinging London Town" and "It's Magic", Girls Aloud and Xenomania managed to record on of the most inventive pop albums in the last decade with Chemistry. I ALWAYS recommend this album above all others when introducing Girls Aloud to interested listeners, and even its b-sides were instant Girls Aloud classics.

Favorite Tracks: "Models", "Biology," "Wild Horses", "Swinging London Town", and "It's Magic"

girls aloud, i worship pop music, picspams

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