Can't see the jungle for the trees

Jul 07, 2008 18:31

Phoenix is having a hard time keeping it together right now, but he's making a valiant effort. Even through his fear, he can recognize that just sitting around doing nothing is a great way to get himself killed. So he's volunteered to map out some of the area, with some hope that they'll find a way out of this place soon enough ( Read more... )

cantwinahand, intothering, 1in_perfection, secondisthebest, pyritewing, !wrath, wright_idea

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intothering July 8 2008, 01:54:06 UTC
Akihiko is following the other two, bringing up the rear, while trying to keep alert. Of course, this city boy is pretty jumpy at every snap of a twig.

It doesn't help that Mitsuru currently has the one Evoker they have between them. Since she has the improvised weapon, it makes sense, but he still feels vulnerable without access to Polydeuces.

"Do we have any idea what sort of enemies are around?" He calls it out as softly as he can and be sure that the other two will hear.


1in_perfection July 8 2008, 02:26:04 UTC
"Only that they're the sort that make noise. And if we're very lucky, they make it before they attack, instead of using it to unnerve us." And Mitsuru is keeping one hand on the Evoker, while the other still has a tight grip on her improvised steel pipe-rapier.

She's also smart enough to keep her voice down; it helps keep it steady, calm, and hopefully unheard by anything large and dangerous in the wilderness.


cantwinahand July 8 2008, 02:52:37 UTC
Kristoph follows too, out of amusing more than anything else. There's nothing more amusing than the potential to save someone he hates, to have Phoenix know that he is so deeply in his debt. He could have killed him back then, and he'll be damned if anyone but Kristoph Gavin murders Phoenix Wright.

Especially strange Nexus encounters. He knew it was a bad idea to come back. Oh, well. He jogs over and smiles at the others, his glasses gleaming opaquely. "We don't," he answers, "And as trite as it may sound, there may only be one way to find out."


pyritewing July 8 2008, 02:56:10 UTC
There's something moving in the dark. Something wicked, something fast, and something metal. It's a vaguely golden color, for those that get even a remotest glance at it.

And a voice. A hollow, vaguely metallic parody of a familiar one. "Oh where, oh where has my plaaaymate gone~" And it's singing.

"Oh where, oh where can she beeeee~? Maaybe I can find sooo~meone else, oh, that'd be glee~" And there's a slightly unhinged sounding giggle echoing throughout the surrounding area.


wright_idea July 8 2008, 02:58:16 UTC
Phoenix is trying not to let the talk between his companions (and oh God why the hell did Kristoph have to follow him damnit) get to him too much as he maps things out. He's just written down an interesting ruins formation when he hears the voice in the trees and freezes, wide-eyed.

"It can't be," he whispers, looking about him in terror.


intothering July 8 2008, 03:03:04 UTC
"What the hell?" Akihiko stops, his eyes darting around the woods, trying to locate the source of the singing. It's creeping him out, and as much as he'd like to punch something, he's not sure he really wants to see whatever's out there.

He cautiously creeps up next to Mitsuru to make any potential Evoker handoffs easier. He has a feeling they're going to need all the help they can get. "Can you scan it?" he whispers quietly.


1in_perfection July 8 2008, 03:20:28 UTC
She shakes her head, needing a to get a deep breath to keep her voice level. "Not without the equipment. I'm afraid that without it, we're limited to what we can see."

That's when it hits her, just how hopeless this situation is turning out to be. Shortage of equipment, lack of information...That, and the fading light that's creeping in around them is really testing her nerves, and said nerves are starting to strain enough to make her act a little more restless then usual.

She moves forward a little further (although she keeps the hand holding the Evoker back in Akhiko's reach) and raises her voice. "Whoever you are, identify yourself! We're not in the mood for anymore stress then what we already have."


cantwinahand July 8 2008, 03:27:35 UTC
Kristoph is not frightened, threatened, or startled by the singing. He did turn, however, and reach inside himself, feeling that strangeness that had become second nature. He squinted behind his glasses and saw through sight, through the ruins and the voice. His glimmer with yellow before it fades away.

He turns back to Phoenix. "Do you know what it is, Phoenix Wright?"


pyritewing July 8 2008, 03:33:54 UTC
"Show myself? Shock and awe! I'd be revealing everything" The voice starts out behind them, but works back around to in front of the group.

That's when she appears, dropping down out of the sky--or somewhere above--like a demented, corrupted angel.

She's all metal and mechanics, gold colored and sharp wings and claws. Arms just too long to be anatomically correct, standing with a slightly hunched over posture. The posture of a predator, "Hello, Phoenix~ I've missed you, sweetie." She winks. So much that one can tell she does, with those hollow, glowing blue eyes. "So afraid of me."

Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to Raax. Or more appropriately, Nightmare Raax, as Epsilon called her in this form. "I like it when you're afraid of me." She flicks a segmented tongue over her pointed mouth, "After all, I died because of people like you~" ♥

Raax shifts her weight, wings raising and shifting to compensate for the shift in balance. She's restless, like a starved predator. It's been far too long.


wright_idea July 8 2008, 03:39:41 UTC
Phoenix's mouth is dry. "Raax..." He doesn't know why she's here. Or what she's doing here. But he does know that they're all in danger for her being there. After all, if she was more than a match for Ara...

"We need to run," he whispers hoarsely, backing up.


intothering July 8 2008, 03:47:22 UTC
Akihiko hesitates. He hates running. But Raax's appearance, along with the fear clear in Phoenix's voice, convinces him the older man has the right idea.

Of course, that doesn't mean he needs to run quite yet. He considers asking Mitsuru for the Evoker, since Polydeuces would be a big help, but it's probably better than she keep it right now. If it gets bad, she'll be able to heal me. If it gets very bad, well...she'll be at full strength.

He puts his fists up. "Go then, I'll try and cover you for a moment."


1in_perfection July 8 2008, 03:57:21 UTC
...Mon Dieu. This just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?

For a moment, she's grateful for all those times spent running through the city in her boots; it's at least given her a sense of balance...But she isn't looking forward to crashing through thick forest in these shoes or her dress, either.

And she likes the idea of leaving Akihiko behind with this...Thing even less.

"Sorry Akihiko, but I won't allow that. You are not staying behind." And to back that statement up, she pushes the Evoker into one of his hands and grabs his wrist. Then gives it a hard pull in the direction away from that metal monster.


cantwinahand July 8 2008, 04:13:54 UTC
Kristoph is not afraid. Rather, he's curiously emboldened, but he knows that he is a runner, a trickster, and not a fighter, despite the fact he's a little armed, he probably can't fight this strange person.

But Kristoph is very curious. He backs up. "Wright. What is it, and why should we run from it?"


pyritewing July 8 2008, 04:17:40 UTC
Well, Kristoph, perhaps she'll answer your question for you. She gestures, and in shimmering, gold energy, several knives form between her fingers, "Oh yes. Run." And she SLINGS them towards the group with superhuman strength, and a blast of wind to give them better direction.

Once the knives leave her hands, she's already down in a crouch, ready to dash for them when they start running, her wings spread outwards, ready to take off...


wright_idea July 8 2008, 04:23:41 UTC
Phoenix yelps and falls backwards at the barrage of knives. "We had an infestation of clones, a while back, clones that were wrong in the head... she was one of them, a clone of a woman with cybernetic implants... I don't know why she came back from the dead, but --"

And then, as Raax springs, a long, bony... THING shoots out and snags her, and then a couple more. Before Phoenix can begin to grasp what just happened, something wraps around his neck from behind and he grabs at it choking. He looks backwards and sees... is it a TREE? With limbs moving like tentacles, and disturbing looking fruits.

Somehow, in the midst of the panic in his brain, he somehow manages to work through the thought, "Oh, not AGAIN."


intothering July 8 2008, 04:35:16 UTC
Akihiko tries to dodge the knives while staying on his feet. He's about ready to cheer when something tangles up the crazy thing after them, but then he spots Phoenix's plight.

He's about to break away from Mitsuru and go help him when instinct makes him check their other side. And because it's just their luck, there's another tree there, reaching out towards him and Mitsuru.

"Mitsuru! Behind us!" There's no more time for anything than to bring the Evoker up to his head and pull the trigger. "Polydeuces!" Akihiko experiences the usual dizzying loss of control and surge of emotions as his Persona emerges.

A figure forms in front of him, pointing a fist out towards the tree. A large bolt of lightning cracks down from the sky and hits the tree, sending scorched bits of bark everywhere. Akihiko blinks his eyes to clear them of the afterglow as Polydeuces fades away.

Wonderful, Akihiko. Now the tree's on fire.


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