Uh. Hey guys! Sorry I disappeared there; I was actually getting good with the whole posting thing in the middle of February. But time turned all long and blue as February's vacation wore on, and as life fell into the same rotating patterns day by day there hasn't been much to write about. To be honest, though, I might have a lot I want to say but with no easy, organised way to say it.
Anyway! Some stuff I've been doing recently.
* Watching/marathoning Dream High (I finished it two days ago). It's not a work of brilliance but I did really like it. Also, confirms my opinion that America can't get even simple 'hey, there's teenagers singing!' dramas right. Did/is anyone else watching or has watched this so I can gossip about it?
* Listening to a lot of Bond music. There's just something about that beautiful contemporary touch to the classics. My favourite might be
* My friend came back from America recently. She gave me poptarts and let me borrow one of her airplane books. As I was sitting there at the kitchen table reading my book and turning the pages, eating my poptart and drinking my tea, I realised something. I had been missing this with a hunger. Reading books - it's something that's been such an integral part of my life. I may make mistakes, but I have a lot of confidence in my usage of English; to me it's power, and books are a conduit. I think that's why my writing has been suffering lately. I haven't been reading.
Yes, I read a lot of fanfiction. But while I firmly believe that fanfiction can be on the same level as skilled published work (being published, of course, means little as an indicator for the impact of the work), I think everyone can agree that those works of fanfic are few and far between. Most fic I read are like pieces of fluff for personal enjoyment. They usually don't inspire me, teach me new words or phrases or hit that spot that makes me think, God, the English language can be fucking amazing.
I need more books.
Sam Dong (Dream High) is my new crush.
He's so cute.
* Re: Matsujun! I am very fond of Matsujun. At the same time, when something asks me for things that I enjoy about Arashi (enjoy in the meaning of being amused by), he is not one of the first things to pop up. I'm not quite sure why; maybe because I'm confident in his ability to be himself and all that implies or maybe, although he's difficult for me to understand, I feel settled with that. It's hard to explain. Or something.
I've written fics trying to get into his head, including a very long one where I second-guessed myself at every turn. I find it difficult to match his kindness and concern for the others and his snappiness, his fondness of drinking alone and his hate of being alone, his reading obscure books and wearing skull rings and the fact that I believe that Matsujun is actually rather conservative... it's hard matching that up into one coherent person. And maybe that's why Matsujun seems the most 'real' to me sometimes, besides the fact that I'll never meet him (nor do I want to, I want my celebrities at a distance). Sometimes it's entirely too easy to put the other four into boxes and be content with keeping them there. Matsujun fights that treatment at every turn and every mood swing.
...well, there's no real point to this.
Just wanted to say that although Nino's words are often praised (and yes, they're wonderful), sometimes the
beautiful things Jun says are completely overseen. The straightforwardness is great.
* I am surrounded by people here that I will miss greatly when I have to leave in July... and the limited time we have together is already affecting me and killing my happy groove. I want to talk to them, but I can't. Still, I'm in a talking mood! Talk to me.
I have a
I'd like to open up my
Formspring again. Ask whatever.
Anonymous Meme on the top of my journal is always open for those who'd like to use it.
And of course, bring up whatever you'd like in the comments, from Matsujun to Dream High to your upcoming exam to, I don't know, awkward sex stories. I very much feel like talking. :)