Didn't get the job! :( Thank you for all the advice though, guys. ♥ I'm guessing it's my lack of break + summer availability that does it every time - but I can't do anything about it, since I don't live in Iowa. I'll keep trying for an office job.
I'll be posting an immense picspam of immenseness (and cheering-up-ness) when I'm done with class or something. Look forward to it! IT'LL BE AWESOME.
Some stuff I've been reading lately:
Leviathan! I like it. It's a YA novel and it's pretty interesting. :D Where are these creative war AUs coming from? Temeraire comes to mind as well.
* I always ♥_♥ at Murakami Haruki, but I hadn't read
Tony Takitani before I had to read it for class yesterday. Why is Murakami so amazing. I want to know so I can take even a little of his talent into myself and see the world the way he does.
Technicolor Blues by
rikke_leonhart. I liked this fic, so I'm pimping it. :D Ohno/Sho isn't even in my peripheral view for favourite pairings, but the characterisation here was really interesting and I liked the part everyone played. Sho's romantic awkwardness, in particular, hit the right place.
Speaking of Sho and romantic awkwardness, I've been talking to
katmillia about this and we've concluded that we want him to marry someone just as awkward and have amazingly cute babies that will be clothed in double parka jammies with footies and Jun will lose his fear of small children and fall in love with them because come on DOUBLE PARKA JAMMIES WITH FOOTIES.