Two Elisabeth fics

Oct 16, 2009 12:10

Title: Crazy
Fandom: Elisabeth
Character(s): Elisabeth?
Summary: They say she's crazy.

They say: She's crazy. She's sick.

Elisabeth knows better. She nods at their faulty conclusions, cocks her head at them and smiles sweetly, but with regal care. It's not their fault, after all - that they don't know she's really Tatiana and in all secrecy laughs when they say: She's crazy. She's sick. She's not really well.

Elisabeth is perfectly well. Every dancing step she takes is one step closer to ultimate freedom.

Let them claim insanity all they want. This Elisabeth is free.

Title: The Empress and the Princess
Fandom: Elisabeth
Character(s): Elisabeth, Windisch
Summary: "Please excuse her, your Majesty. She doesn't know what she's saying!"

At the very moment Elisabeth opens her mouth to protest, Windisch exclaims: ”You, Tatiana, dance for me!” All the doctors gasp, one nurse looking close to fainting from horror. Elisabeth's eyes widen. She stares, for a second struck dumb, at this frail, ethereal-looking girl with hair pointing in every direction. This insane girl who claims to be her, the Empress of Austria. This girl who has looked right through her thick layers of make-up, her infamous milk-bathed hair and world-renowned beauty - to the elf woman at the centre. The circus princess she has always been at heart.

”Please excuse her, your Majesty,” one doctor yells, his hands writhing in front of him, all blood gone from his face. Elisabeth thinks: Is he falling apart too? ”She doesn't know what she's saying!”

She doesn't know what she's saying? Elisabeth closes her eyes for a moment - hides her face behind her fan, making sure only Windisch sees her edgy smile. No. It is this man who doesn't know what he's saying.

”Do not worry,” she tells him, without any soothing tone in her voice. Icy cold. ”It is alright.” He bows. She turns to Windisch and Windisch turns to her. At the same time they break out in laughter, equeally crazy. Tatiana and Elisabeth.

elisabeth, official writing, fic, writing

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