50,000 tears i've cried.

Apr 19, 2004 00:53

Okay. Here goes. Breathe. I THINK I'M IN LOVE. Oh god. Did I just say that? Let's try it again. I THINK I'M IN LOVE. No. Wait. That's not right either. This is better I AM IN LOVE.

Oh god. And it's terrifying and scary, like a rollercoaster that you know will make you puke later, but you just can't stop going on time after time. (Remind me not to eat nachos anytime soon, thankyouverymuch.)

It's been a good long while, (since last October actually) since I've met a good, nice boy. Well, okay. Technically he isn't a boy. Wanna hear how old he is? Here goes: 25! Yikes! That's a little steep for my puny 18-year-old self, but I just cannot help it. He's the most amazing person that I've met in a long while. At least I'm legal, right? Lauren's not going against the law this time, Officer. No sir-ee! Diddly dee.

When I'm in love I'm extremely happy and glowy and giddy. I kind of make myself a little bit sick to the point where I want to make myself throw up. (Geez, I don't understand all the puking talk today. Sorry. Anyway, I digress...)

Okay now, repeat this mantra 4189 times daily until it sinks in: "I will not get crazy or insane or call him a million times a day. I will not get crazy or insane or call him a million times a day.... and so on and so forth.

I think that's kind of what drove my past boyfriends away, and I'm determined to make this one work, god dammit! I've had waaaay to many failed relationships to fuck up another one. No thanks.

By the way, did I mention he lives like an hour away? Narf! What's everyone's views on long-distance relationships? Eeek.
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