insomnia. is. no. fun.

Apr 14, 2004 03:46

It's almost 4 in the morning right now - and yet again I'm awake. I almost feel like an alien, or something else foreign and unusual. It's strange how the world seems to be a different place when night falls. Everyone else in my house is asleep, all the lights are off - and the only noise I hear is the incessant buzzing of my crappy old computer and my fingers on the keyboard.

During the day my house is a totally different place. A war zone is actually a more accurate description. My mom's always rushing around, for no reason in particular other than the fact she always needs to get things done "right now." My dad comes home from work each day whistling or stomping his shoes to get the concrete off them. (Ah the joys or working in construction.) The other day he actually came home singing 'Hakuna Matata' at the top of his lungs. Nice to know he has no problem being in a good mood. Then there's my brother, who is such a teenager now it's pathetic. If he's not listening to his headphones and ignoring the entire planet, he's in his bedroom playing what I can only guess are violent videogames. (The gunshots kind of gave me a little hint.)

So, suffice to say, during the day my house is always full and loud and fun. Then, when everyone's asleep my brain starts thinking. It's probably because it's so quiet at night time and I actually have time to think for myself. I find at odd hours in the early morning is when I actually get some of my best writing done. (Although if you're judging my writing on this mad rambling...please don't.)

In summertime I find myself outside most of the night. You know those warm summer nights, where the breeze kind of wraps itself around you... nights like that are heaven to me. Unfortunately, it's been nothing but freezing cold and raining in this little Massachusetts town.

Where is the sunshine?
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