Of The Birds and The Bees... and How Changmin is a Genius.

May 06, 2012 00:10

Pairing: Yunjae, chibi!Yoosu, and so Changmin won't be lonely, Changmin/Milk
Genre: fluff, humor
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The plot is mine, but the characters aren't mine
Summary: Yunho knows something is wrong, when Junsu won’t stop holding Yoochun’s hand.
Warning: Unbeta-ed. Possibility of grammar mistake and error on spelling.
Length: short oneshot
A/N: A sequel to of the birds and the bees... and it's importance

*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧

Yunho, happily in a relationship with Jaejoong, adopted 2 sons to completed their home. Changmin and Junsu. Junsu is really close with one of their neighbor son, Yoochun. But it’s still weird to suddenly see them holding hand all day long.


“Yes, daddy?” Junsu walks to his side quickly while still holding Yoochun’s hand.

“Why are you holding hands with Yoochun?”

“To make little babies!” He saw Yoochun nodded excitedly beside Junsu.


“Yes, daddy. Unca hyukkie came and saw me holding Yoochun’s hand.”

“Unca hyukkie said there’s gonna be little baby if we did that.” Yoochun answered the question for Junsu. They look at each other and started giggling like... like Jaejoong when he suddenly said the childs went to their grand’s house and it’s alone time.

“Babies are cute. I don’t mind having one.” Junsu said to his father brightly. “But I don’t want babies like Changmin though.” He grimaced. “He smell funny.”

“Junsu, your brother is not a baby. And he didn’t smell funny. That’s the smell of dried milk on his clothes. You know how milk smell when it dries out on your clothes, right?”

“Yeah, like Changmin.”

Yunho sighed. He wonder how his dad face him when he’s acting like Junsu. “Anyway, Junsu. What’s with the baby?”

“We gonna have plenty of it, daddy. You want one?”

“Junsu, you can’t share your babies like sharing candies. And you can’t make one with holding hand. That’s not how it works.”

“No?” Junsu looked confused.

“No. There should be a bird, and a bee.”

“We should catch bees and birds to get babies?” Now it’s Yoochun turns to look confused.

“No, Yoochun. That’s a saying.”

“Who said that daddy?”

Me. He thought to himself. “Well, that’s not important. Anyway, you get babies from girls, the birds. And you boys are the one who make them having baby, the bees.”

“Dadddd, I’m not bee!” Junsu put both of his hands on his waist, acting angry.

“Junsu, I said it was a saying.”

“And I’m not birds!” Little yoochun stomped his foot and pout.

“Well, I can see that.” Yunho rolled his eyes.

“Why did you have to talk about bird and bee then?” Yoochun nodded his head at Junsu’s question. “Can’t you just use our name, unca yunho?”


“Yeah daddy, like the susu and the chunnie”

“No.. that...” He rubbed the back of his head “That would be... awkward.” Really awkward. That would be like... telling a sex stories to underage children.

“Well, anyway.” He finally said after he got rid of the awkwardness “You can’t have babies, guys. You’re still too young.”

“We can wait” Junsu said with a big innocent smile on his face, while Yoochun is just... totally yoochun. All grinning and shining.

I wonder if every parents feels the same way as I do. “Listen, the problem is...” And whatever the problem is, Yunho couldn’t finish his sentence, as Jaejoong suddenly barged into the room, shoving just a little younger changmin on his lap.

“Livesafer!” He said to Jaejoong.

“What livesafer? I need a toilet!” And with that, the brunette run off to the nearest bathroom.

“Thanks, Jae. Now I need to have an awkward conversation with three childrens.”

“Whatever. You’re welcome!” He heard Jaejoong shouting from the bathroom.

“Well, daaadddyyyy.”

“Well what?” he grimaced when Changmin spilled some milk from his milk bottle. This kid drinks a lot of milk. “I already said it, kids. Babies didn’t come out from holding hand.”

“Then from what?” Junsu asked in anticipation.

“Well, from... urm...” sex. “You know, the birds and the bees. That’s how.”

“Daddy, that’s why I said I’m not beeeeee.”

“And chun is not birddddddd!”

“And I said, it was a saying. A... well... you just can’t. Okay?” He started to get a little frustrated with the never ending question.

“Unca hyukkie seems more convicing.” Junsu look at him with a suspicious eyes. “Daddy just didn’t want susu to have babies!”

“What?! And why is that if I may know?”

“Cause me and chunnie will have a lot! Daddy just got me and changmin.”

“And our babies will be cute!” Yoochun added.

“Changmin is not cute. Ick.” Junsu said while eyeing Changmin.

Changmin, whose quietly watching the banter while drinking his milk suddenly stop drinking. “Boys can’t have babies, you know. It would be weird.”

“What weird? We can!”

“If prince charming on cinderella got babies on his stomach instead of cindy herself, don’t you think that would be really weird? Or if beast on beauty on the beast got baby?” The younger boy asked.

Both Junsu and Yoochun seem to think about that for a while. “You know susu, maybe we don’t need babies.”

“You right. Let’s just go play.”

“The first one arrived at your room will get to play the robots first!” With that, the two children running to Junsu’s room. Leaving an awkward silence between Yunho and Changmin.

“Uhm... that was helpfull.” He eyed the small boy on his lap. “Thanks boy.”

“You’re welcome, dad. Can I get more milk?”

*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧

a/n: It's getting a little weird. LOL. An applause for Changmin *clapsclaps* Anddd, no. There won't be anymore sequel after this. Enjoy it while it last. Hahahahaha!

pairing: yunjae, length:oneshot, pairing: yoosu

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