Concrete Garden

Jun 11, 2011 20:48

Pairing: Yunjae
Genre: Angst, Fantasy
Rating: PG-13
Length: Oneshot
Summary: When Kim Jaejoong found out that angel do exist, he found out another things too. That they are not so holy afterall.
Warning: Mention of cannibalism.
Beta-ed by magikstalker 
a/n: Based on yaoi manga with the same title "Concrete Garden" by Tarako Kotobuki. If you already read it, you could find that I take some sentences from it, but I put my own too :)

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Concrete Garden

“Kim Jaejoong, welcome to the ‘garden’. From now on, your job is to be friends with ‘the one’.”

At 28 years old, Kim Jaejoong never would have thought that his life would take a dramatic change after he met the men in black. Living in a world where flying cars and portable house exist made him realize that nothing is hard to believe anymore... but it looks like he was wrong.

He was, as usual, doing his shift as a pediatrician in Seoul International Hospital, when suddenly, three people sporting a black attire approached him.

“After all the research that we have done, we have come to a conclusion that you, Kim Jaejoong, the grandson of Kim Haneul, one of our former research professors, are the most compatible to be friends with ‘the one’.” The man with long legs spoke without taking a breath, explaining some things that Jaejoong couldn’t quite understand.

“So we have come here to ask you, whether you want continue your work as a pediatrician with low payment or work for us, doing an easy job and receiving a big payment.” The other man with chubby cheeks told him while showing a check with a big amount of money written on it. The amount which Jaejoong would never earn even if he works as a pediatrician for all his life.

“Will you accept or decline our offer?”

He thought his new work would be a rather difficult job, alongside digging the grave, taking whatever left from the dead body, and reconstruct it by using some kind of weird voodoo magic, considering how all the men along this so called ‘garden’ are wearing a black attire with a shades, looking like an agent coming out from Will Smith’s movies.

“Please walk along the tunnel, at the end of it, you will find a garden. That’s where you will meet our angel.” The long legged man said, which Jaejoong now recognizes him as Changmin, told him all the details about ‘the one’ which appears to be an angel. The reason as of how they could find and capture an angel is still a mystery.

He was a little hesitant to walk by himself, but then decided that there’s nothing to be afraid of from an angel. At least from all the angel stories he has heard, they’re not supposed to be harmful creatures.

As soon as he reached the end of the tunnel, he saw a really beautiful garden. With a little fountain and a tea terrace, everybody would think that they went back to the old english era, if not for the fact that they have to pass by a huge research facility to enter the garden.

Not far from where he stood, he saw a body lying under the tree shades. Remembering what Changmin told him about nobody staying at the garden except for ‘the one’, he quickly approached the man.

Instead of finding a milky white skin, petite body, and wings, Jaejoong saw a tanned, muscular body, and scars instead. Burn scars along the left side of the said man face, accross his left eye.

“Is an angel supposed to look like a mafia boss?” he muttered softly.

“No. We’re supposed to look like humans.”

He jumped a little by surprise when the said man spoke. His right eye opened, showing a beautiful brown color, while his left eye stayed closed under the scars.

“Kim Jaejoong?”


“It’s nice to see you. I’m Yunho.”

If there’s one thing that makes him sure this Yunho is an angel, it must be his blinding smile.

* * * * *

“You don’t have wings or a halo” Jaejoong finally voiced out his curiosity after they situated themselves on the terrace, leisurely drinking the tea that Yunho made.

“I have.” The man said shortly while pouring some more tea to Jaejoong’s half empy cup. “I hide it because it’s not neccesary to show it to you right now.”

Jaejoong really wanted to ask about where Yunho hides his wings and halo, but that wouldn’t be too polite of him, seeing that they just met today. So he decided to change the subject instead. “They hold you really dear don’t they? It’s so difficult for me to come here, I had to pass many security and full body checks.”

He saw Yunho staring at him with a strange look on his face, like as if he grew a second head. Although he doubted that Yunho is not familiar with things like that.

“You really are naive, aren’t you?” Yunho chuckled. “Nobody really comes here unless it’s neccesary... I actually am a lonely man.”

“Eh, then I will be more than happy to accompany you.” He blushed a little at the way Yunho looked at him.

“Security system eh?” another chuckle “That’s not because they hold me dear. It’s because they are all afraid of me.”

“Why would they be afraid of an angel?” Aside from Yunho’s scars is nothing worth to be afraid of.

“I eat human flesh.” By that, he saw Yunho catch a butterfly that was flying around them, and put it into his mouth, and then a crunching sound was heard. “Do you still want to work as my friend?”

And Jaejoong was sure his heart was ready to jump off his chest.

* * * * *

“Ohh, its a pleasure to see you again Jaejoong. I thought you wouldn’t be here again after yesterday.” Yunho said to him with a smile when he saw Jaejoong coming into the garden again. Although his face wasn’t as bright as the first time he came here.

“They said you promised not to eat me.” He said in a hard tone. Still, he couldn’t believe the fact that Angels-according to what Changmin told him-are cannibals. The fact that angels are so different with the angels in his mind should be enough proof that heavenly creatures might not be so holy after all.

A sly smile came accross Yunho’s mouth “So you believe in them?”

“I’ve learned the hard way that words are not so trustworthy after all.”

“Then you should believe in me.”

Jaejoong eyed the angel in disbelief “I just met you. I can’t believe you just like that.” He sat across the angel while crossing his arms in front of his chest.

“Have you ever heard of faith, Jaejoong? You don’t need to see to have faith. Faith is believing in things that your eyes can’t see, your ears can’t hear, your hands can’t touch, and your brain can’t comprehend.”

There was a long silence after Yunho’s speech about faith, but Jaejoong decided to break it off by voicing the curiosity he felt ever since yesterday.

“Why do you have to feed on us?” He asked with his head hanging low as he couldn’t find the strength to look at the other’s eyes.

“For me, eating human flesh is just the same as a human eating meat. Is that so bad?”

“Of course it is!” He raised his voiced a little, “If you stop eating us and started eating meat instead, won’t you survive?”

He saw Yunho take an apple from the table to peel it. “Let me tell you the story about the blood-sucking mosquito. A long, long time ago, all of them used to suck on fruit. But then, one of them sucked off blood from a mammal which turned them into blood-sucking mosquitoes that we have right now. Why blood? One major point, is the taste.”

Yunho gave him a slice of the apple, which he took reclutantly, “Do you prefer the taste of vegetables or meat? For me, eating fruits or your normal meat feels like eating vegetables. While eating human flesh is just the same as eating meat. Do you understand me now?”

Having a hard time swallowing the apple, he eyed it with a weird feeling in his stomach. “This is so wrong but you make it sound so right.”

“It’s because you’re seeing it from a human’s point of view.”

“Of course! I am human! I can’t allow this act of cannibalism!”

“Well, then is it okay to eat animals? Pigs? Cows?” He froze “Your double standard is the one that sounds weird.”

“We’re different from live-stocks.”

“You are all living things. There’s no difference to me.” He heard the other chuckle “You can keep trying to convince me. Maybe I’ll consider to stop feeding on humans next time. Good luck, Kim Jaejoong.”

* * * * *

That night, Jaejoong lay on his bed with tears in his eyes as he recalled the video that Changmin decided to show him which shows Yunho feasting on human flesh. He threw up all his lunch after that.

The law that the world has created right now couldn’t stop Yunho from doing whatever he wanted to do. He admires the sense of freedom in Yunho but he still can’t let Yunho continue to feed on human flesh.

He heard his cat purring on his lap, its little claws scratching on his clothes. “I’m sorry Jiji” he said to the black cat “Are you worried about me?”

He lifted up the black cat, eyeing it carefully, when a thought appeared on his mind.

Maybe, just maybe, he could convince Yunho right now.

He quickly grabbed his car keys, and with Jiji on his hand, drove through the night.

* * * * *


He ended up in the garden once again. He felt the need to see Yunho to tell him something that he realized just now. “Am I interrupting you?”

“No.” He saw Yunho’s laptop on his lap, but the other quickly turn it off and put it aside. “Oh, a cat?”

“Yeah. Please meet Jiji.” He hands over Jiji to Yunho, seeing the man playing with his cat “Don’t eat it. He’s like my family.”

“I don’t eat cats..... Or dogs.”

There is a comfortable silence between them for a while, until Jaejoong decided to break it “I don’t understand.”

“Huh?” The other man paused for a while from his play with Jiji.

“I don’t understand the difference between a goldfish in a tank and sardines on my plate, a bird on my hand and a roasted pigeon. All I know is that if there were more talking creatures like humans, it would be all so complicated. If the chicken suddenly says ‘don’t eat me’ then I wouldn’t be able to eat it.”

“Maybe this is just me being naive,” he walks closer to Yunho “but I think, by having the same language, then we would be able to communicate better than animals. Maybe with a better communication between you and humans, then you would stop feeding on us.”

“Well, well.” Yunho puts the cat down “that theory of yours is something only you humans could come up with. But I don’t hate it.”

“You still didn’t say you wont feed on humn.”

“That’s a different matter.”

Jaejoong felt big warm hands caressing his face, the touch calming him a little from his frustration about this angel-eating-human thing. “What’s with the long face?” Yunho asked “I’ve been eating your kind for years and nothing happens. You’ve been fine before this, aren’t you?”

Jaejoong refuses to admit that what Yunho said is true. Nothing really changed after he met Yunho except the fact that he’s now friends with an angel. A cannibal one at that. So why bother changing him?

“Let me help you relax.”


Suddenly Jaejoong felt his body floating in the air. “EH?!” His legs kept on floating higher and higher, his arms flailing wildly, trying to grab Yunho’s, but the other just kept on staring at him while giving him a small smile.

“How... How can this be?!” He said when his body finally touch the ceiling. “Yunho!”

“I made you float.” He heard Yunho tell him as he was reaching for the other’s hands. “I’m an angel. We do many things.”

He eyed the smiling angel. His body little by little coming back down, his hand circling around Yunho’s neck, hugging the angel. “Yunho?” he called softly, earning a hum as his answer. “You are lonely aren’t you? That’s why I’m here right?”

The angel didn’t say anything to him, as he just kept his eyes on him while hugging him, pulling him down slowly.

“Why don’t you treat them like how you treat me?” He started again. “That way you won’t be lonely again.”

He saw Yunho’s smile disappears from the angel’s face, taken over with a serious one. “You must not trust them so much.”


“You should go home today.” Jaejoong feel big warm hands touching his cheek “It’s already late, and you don’t look too good.”


“Goodnight Jaejoong.”

* * * * *

A few days after that, Jaejoong couldn’t seem to meet Yunho. Whenever he goes to the garden, the angel’s already out doing his work. He always wondered what kind of works that Yunho does for the research lab. To think that an angel eating human like him working with humans makes him think that there is still a chance for Yunho to stop feeding on them.

“Ahh, my back hurts...” His back has been hurting for the past few days.

He rubbed his back slowly while turning on the television.

[--black organization research facility today announcing their success on transplanting wings to the angel clone, Aria. Our source said that they believe Aria would be 98% close to the real angel, Yunho. After a few months debating, they decided that moving the real angel wings to the clone angel--]

Jaejoong froze.

He didn’t even bother to turn off the tv as he ran out of his apartment, driving his car straight to the Garden.

* * * * *

“What did you do to Yunho?!” He said out loud to Changmin as soon as he arrived at the man’s office.

“I bet you saw the television news?” The man in black said lightly, standing up slightly to reach for his laptop. “we transplanted his wings to his clone.”

“Why did you do that!” He couldn’t believe what he heard. And after all he did to make Yunho stop feeding on them, how could they did it to Yunho?

“Because we need to create a perfect angel, one with the pure image like what we believe. I bet you never imagined that you would see an angel like Yunho?”

He feels like he could shed some tears. From the pain on his back, and from how lightly Changmin said something horrible like that. “You’re making use of him.” Drops of tears started falling down his cheek. He couldn’t stop it as he was thinking about the pain that Yunho must have feel.

“Jaejoong sshi...”

He felt unbearable pain on his back.

He began to feel light headed, his legs giving up on him, and could feel himself falling. But never felt his body hitting the floor.

“Yunho?” he said sowly, “Yunho...” He repeated.

A warm hand touching his cheek wiping out his tears while the other securely wrapped on his waist. “Yes jaejoong?”

“My back, it hurts so bad... Am I gonna die?” He cries out to Yunho.

“It’s okay, I’m here.” Yunho place his other hand behind Jaejoong’s knee. Lifting him up, and place Jaejoong’s head on his shoulder.

“Just sleep, you’re going to be okay.”

“It’s... impossible!” Changmin screamed from where he stand, couldn’t believe what he saw infront of him. From the back of Jaejoong’s shoulder spread out a white wings. Slowly, from a few strands into full wings, spreading out wide through his back.

“It is possible.” Yunho said. “Us, angels created as a pair. He’s my pair.”

“But you are the only one!” Changmin snapped “You said you are the only one left. That’s why I created a clone of you! To create a perfect angel!.”

“That time, you asked me if there’s a perfect angel in this world. So I’m not wrong if I answer no, right? You’re the only one who assumed my answer as it is.”

Changmin breath ragged from what he saw. He wanted to get to Jaejoong. Do his research to him. Clone him.

“Don’t be too full of yourself, human.” His head snapped to Yunho. The angel holding the now sleeping Jaejoong potectively on his arms. “I know what you’re thinking about. I’m going out of the Garden.”

Yunho was ready to transport to another place when Changmin called up to him. “Wait! Wait! You have a deal with us. You said you would stay with us until we could create the perfect angel!”

“The deal is over. You said that Aria was perfect. Now it’s time to go.”

“He’s not..”

Yunho sees Changmin eyes and he knows that the scientist now thinks that Aria is nothing compared to his Jaejoong. But there was never a deal with Jaejoong aside from being his friend. They could just leave the Garden.

“Jaejoong once said, if we could communicate with each other, then we could live together without me trying to grab your neck and bite you. But that’s just because he lives far too long with you.” He take a glance at the peacefull face of Jaejoong. “But for me, you’re nothing more than food. You are all fresh meat, walking around me, waiting to be eaten.”

“I coped up with you for a long time and it seems like you think I won’t do anything to you?” He asked the scientist.

“I won’t. But now that our deal is over, I’m going to. If you do anything to hold us, I won’t think twice about having you as my lunch.”

With that said, Yunho walks out the room, leaving Changmin, the black organization, and the Garden behind.

* * * * *

And no matter how hard Changmin tried to search for them, he could never find them as if they disappeared or never existed....


The enddd~~ Daramdamdamdam. The last picture you see there was taken from the manga :D That is what happily ever after looks like for Yunho and Jaejoong in the story :) I was actually really tired after going to mt.merapi, but since I'm happy after receiving my nail polishes package (I finally got my shatter! XD) so I decided to post it :)

So, comment and make me happy! *smooch*

pairing: yunjae, length:oneshot

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