Bad OKCupid letters

Nov 13, 2011 22:27

Remember how I used to post bad OKCupid solicitations? Okay. Yes. Again.

hello, how are you doing ? you are so beautiful, honestly . are u looking for a serious relation ? i have had lots of drama with relations, so looking for a no commitment relation . i am not for one night stands . r u okay with idea of being cuddle buddies and share a few kisses ? wont go beyond ur lovely face, boobs and armpits . sorry if i am being too forward .


hey there. Very nice pictures :)
hows it going, up pretty late eh?

_________PLEASE DON'T GET MAD AT ME__________________

Hi, how are you?
Please only don't get mad at me. Would you go to a bed with me? Please. You are such a hot girl, and I would love to meet somebody like you. Would you do it for me? please
Please let me take you for a dinner, and drinks, please. How I could convince you to meet with me?

_______HE WROTE THIS POEM WHEN I WAS 18; He says he is 55_____________________
Hello and good evening,

Just wanted to put a smile on your face with another romantic poems. It gives me great joy to share romance. Even though we may not know each other. But it shares with you the kind of man I am in real. Enjoy....John

By John
August 30, 2000

It's a sweet sweet dream
picturing you with me.

Seeing your sweet eyes
first waking up.

Touching your soft smooth skin
with my finger tips.

Wanting to pull you closer
and closer.

Pondering of way to put a
smile on your face.

No matter what I do, knowing
I am pleasing your every
need and desires.

If you only knew how much
I liked you.

In real or in my Sweet Sweet Dreams
I always been there for you!

If you only knew, you had been in my
Sweet Sweet Dreams
for a long time.

If you only knew, how much you
mean to me.

It's a sweet sweet dream
picturing you with me.
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