Nov 11, 2011 22:41
I just read through a book of poetry I wrote from ages 15 to 19, and gathered up for myself. Some of them are really repetitive, but a few of them are actually damn good, if you look at them as coming from the voice of a teen. I might have to pick out some and adapt them into the TYA teen play I've been struggling with finding the plot for. I mean, it's not really adaptation because they're mine, but they're adaptation, since I can't imagine writing words like many of these, despite how good some of them are. (Why did I never let anyone read them at the time?)
This one cracks me up, since I'm pretty sure that it didn't apply to my life anywhere as much as it does now:
It's all a game
I'm one of those
In a carnival game
The object is to
Bang me
Before I disappear
If you
Bang me
Enough times
You just might
Rock on, me of July of 1999. (Summer before college.) You were clearly having a psychic vision of the woman you'd become because you certainly weren't getting banged much at that point in your life.