I wish that people in superhero comics came in a broader range of body types (and I'm not talking about where it's part of their gimmick, like the Blob, I'm talking normal human variation). Plenty of physically fit people don't look like bodybuilders or fitness models. And if somebody's power set is primarily mental or mystical in nature, they wouldn't have to be especially athletic to be an effective hero or villain. (I suppose in any strenuous job you'd want to be in decent shape so you didn't have to keep catching your breath when things got exciting, but you don't need to be built like Captain America or She-Hulk to have stamina.)
That's not even getting into the fact that most fitness regimens don't do a thing to make a woman's breasts bigger or her legs longer or
her internal organs infinitely compressible, no matter how hard she trains.
Especially where ensemble casts are involved, a little more variety would be nice. Does the Law of Narrative Causality really dictate that super-empowering science accidents, the interesting sorts of genetic mutation, and vigilantism-spurring tragedies only happen to people who can carry off full-body spandex without violating conventional beauty standards?