My ridiculous fantrolls

Nov 11, 2012 23:44

In case anyone is interested, here are my fantrolls. None of them are completely fleshed out, I used an online dollmaker for the portraits, one of them is a deliberate self-insert, and all of them are a bit ridiculous. You have been warned.

These guys all exist in the same continuity, and many of them know each other, but I didn't design them as any kind of "set," thus the lack of thematic unity. I'm also using fanon hemospectrum subdivisions.

Erzuli Laveau

Gender: Female. Trolltag: GnosticGumbo. Blood: Maroon. Lusus: Opossum.
Relationships: Nereus's moirail. Friends with Thekle (long-distance) and Osakha. One of the few people to actually scare Desahd.
Sburb: Witch of Light.
Abstratus: Skilletkind, although she usually prefers her telekinesis.
Fetch Modus: Conjure Bag
Description: A blind, psychic (clairvoyance and telekinesis) troll girl who lives in the spooky, mist-shrouded swamps in the southern parts of Troll Uberwald. She adopts a mystic and mysterious persona in her usual dealings, both for fun and as a measure of self-protection. (Even with her powers, as a disabled rustblood she's very vulnerable, and people may be less likely to mess with her if she has Awesome Mystic Powers.) She's very interested in fortune-telling. Since shortly after the incident that cost Erzuli her sight, she has been legally dead, although this hasn't actually altered her lifestyle very much. It's not like officials care much what goes on in her neck of the woods.
Beneath her spooky mystical witch doctor persona, she's actually fairly sensible and practical, in an eccentric way, and a bit snarky. She's an excellent cook, which is very useful if you live in the middle of a swamp with limited resources. Despite the bugs, the humidity, and the many large reptilian carnivores, she loves her home and has explored it avidly. She's even taken advantage of the omnipresent shade and mist to do some daylight exploring. Her ramshackle little hive (which is actually fairly well maintained, thanks to her telekinesis, but she's let the cosmetic details go ever since she "died") is decorated on the inside with all sorts of weird artifacts she found on her swamp expeditions.
Notes: Her name comes from Erzulie (a group of vodou loas) and Marie Laveau.

Thekle Deodar

"Your penchant for revolutionary politics and forbidden cults notwithstanding, your friends tend to regard you as KIND OF A GOOFBALL."
Gender: Male Trolltag: TrickstersCanticle Blood: Golden Brown Lusus: Snow Monkey
Relationships: Voytek's ex-kismesis. They decided that, as much fun as they were having messing with each other, they really didn't hate each other that way. They are now friends of a very odd sort. Kybele is currently auspisticing between Thekle and Sekmet.
Sburb: Page of Heart.
Ancestor: The Agitator (Troll Camille Desmoulins, basically.)
Description: Playful and adorkable, but very much a case of Beware The Nice Ones. He can get unexpectedly intense and disturbingly creative when he really cares to make an effort. More than a bit of a prankster. Secret follower of the Sufferer and closet social revolutionary. Not a big guy, but quick and agile.
Notes: He lives in the same chilly region near Voytek, but further inland, and his hive is a tree house. Thekle = Thekla, an early Christian saint. Deodar = a kind of cedar tree, literally "wood of the gods." So, you get a Sufferite who lives in a tree house.

Osakha Myotis

Gender: Female Trolltag: ChiropteranAdventuress Blood: Chartreuse Lusus: Giant Bat
Relationships: Voytek's moirail. Has become friends with Thekle since he and Voytek ended their kismesissitude. Possible unrequited flushed feelings for Nereus.
Typing Quirk: lowercase only, normal spelling and grammar, uses ellipses instead of periods... uses vertical smilies with capital ms on either side to make bat wings: M^_^M...
Sburb: Rogue of Space
Description: A quirky, dreamy (batty? spacy?) young troll from the Alterian equivalent of Uberwald. Bat-themed with a touch of classic vampire, although she's not actually a rainbow drinker. Has her head in the clouds much of the time, but can be surprisingly perceptive in odd ways. She's a bit of a nightmare fetishist, although it's hard to tell if she likes scary things for being scary, or if they're genuinely pleasant to her. She enjoys exploring the many picturesque ruins near her hive. Osakha has rather poor distance vision, but her lusus taught her how to echolocate. Her wings are cybernetic and she can fly with them.
Notes: Osakha = Osaka from Azumanga Daioh, who was a major inspiration. The h gives it the right number of letters and makes it look more Eastern European. Myotis is a genus of bats.

Devora Chypre

Gender: Female Trolltag: CultivatedChymist Blood: Leaf Green Lusus: Audreya, a sapient mobile carnivorous plant
Relationships: No current quadrants. Friends and conversation partners with Kybele and Voytek. Desahd's former beta-reader, and an object of his unrequited blackrom feelings.
Typing Quirk: Pseudo-18th century style Antiquated Linguistics. (With all nouns capitalized and lowercase f used for the long s.) Prone to plant puns.
Sburb: Seer of Time
Abstratus: Painkind (in other words, she beats people up with bread. And by extension, other baked goods.)
Description: Devora is a scholarly young troll, who lead a relatively quiet life until Circumstances happened and she found herself promoted to major character. She's an aspiring abhorristorian. She's detail-oriented and conscientious but somewhat distractable, and has wondered if her position as Hero of Time was a passive-aggressive attempt by the universe to get her to improve her organizational skills. Devora normally has a decent intuitive sense of when something is about to get unacceptably dangerous - which may be the only reason a relatively noncombative troll like her has survived this long - but it can be over-ridden by her intellectual curiosity. She can get a bit Sophisticated As Hell at times, when you combine her normal rather formal way of expressing herself with her snarky moments and fondness for plant puns.
Devora has many interests. She's even good at some of them! She enjoys gardening, reading, writing, the less lethal kinds of roleplaying, and such hivehold arts as baking, textile crafts, and home chemistry (perfumes, explosives, that kind of thing). She enjoys trading home chemistry formulae and the results of her experiments with fellow enthusiasts. She probably spends more time and resources on this than is really necessary, but much less than some of the hard core enthusiasts.
Notes: She first took up gardening in order to provide her lusus with hunting grounds and camouflage, and only later adopted it as a recreational activity. Devora - among other things, means "bee" and pollinators are essential for gardening. Chypre is perfume terminology, referring to a particular family of mossy-woody scents.

Kybele Mainad

Gender: Female Trolltag: ThyrsusTherapist Blood: Jade Lusus: Giant Tiger Moth
Relationships: Auspisticing between Thekle and Sekmet. Friends with Devora and Voytek.
Sburb: Sylph of Rage
Abstratus: Staffkind
Description: Possibly the most sensible and level-headed Bacchante you'd ever hope to meet, on Earth or Alternia. (Okay, technically, she's not a Bacchante, she's a member of an Alternian ecstatic mystery cult that just happens to be aesthetically Ancient Greek-themed and will probably turn out to be worshiping some eldritch abomination or other.)
Kybele is a firm believer in having healthy emotional outlets. When you've been spending all your time and energy being the supportive friend and keeping the more volatile members of your nakama from eviscerating each other, sometimes you just need to go out into the wilderness for a while to carouse, commune with your gods, and whack at things with sticks. At least, that's how she does it.
She's also an enthusiastic amateur composer and lyre player.
Notes: Kybele: ancient Mediterranean mother goddess, like Dionysus, she was associated with ecstatic rituals and big cats. Mainad: Maenad, female follower of Dionysus. Her lusus was originally going to be a leopard (to go with the Dionysus theme), but I thought a jade-blood merited something a little more exotic.

Sekmet Lazuri

Gender: Female Trolltag: AilurosTriumphant Blood: Cobalt Lusus: Sphinx
Relationships: Currently in a red/black flipflop with Voytek.
Sburb: Maid of Hope
Description: Hard-driving, competitive, perfectionistic, and extremely ambitious. Fears very little, with the prominent exception of her own failure. Wants to be the biggest, baddest, HBIC on Alternia, but so far is having a wee bit of trouble with the H,I, and C aspects, although not for lack of trying. Not, in general, very good at relationships, although Voytek is attracted to her intensity.
She's very good at games, even the non-reality-warping kind. Partly, this is her nature asserting itself even in trivial matters, but she's also had a lot of practice keeping her lusus entertained. You do not want to live with a bored sphinx.
Notes: Sekmet = Sekhmet, lion-headed Egyptian goddess. Lazuri references lapis lazuli and lazurite, blue semi-precious stones. Her original character concept had spike heels to go with her rather Baronessish temperament, but I realized those would be hideously impractical in sandy and snowy environments.

Voytek Elkeid

Gender: Male Trolltag: ArcticGriot Blood: Indigo Lusus: Polar bear with walrus tusks
Relationships: Currently in a red/black vacillating long-distance romance with Sekmet. Osakha's moirail. Thekle's ex-kismesis, although they're currently antagonistic friends.
Typing quirk: Faux-Cyrillic, which I will not attempt to reproduce here. Gives all his smilies big walrus tusks. 8-)=
Sburb: Knight of Doom (Metal!)
Abstratus: Fistkind, BFSkind, 1/2guitarkind
Description: Voytek's schtick is sort of a pre-industrial Northern European aristocrat filtered through way too much power metal. He is HUGE and STRONG and can be KIND OF OVERBEARING at times, but he has an odd romanticism about him - and not just the kind of romanticism that involves quadrants. He dabbles in several branches of the arts (music, poetry, ice sculpture, etc.) in an effort to properly capture the austere beauty of the polar countryside around him and convey the turbulent emotions roiling within his bloodpusher, but has yet to create anything he considers really worthy. In the process, he's accidentally broken a few guitars in the heat of his inspiration, but he's not letting the pieces go to waste. He also dabbles in the sciences, with rather more success, and made Osakha's wings for her.
He loves STRENUOUS COMPETITION, but unlike Sekmet, he doesn't mind losing to a worthy opponent if both sides put up a good fight. In fact, he likes it when people successfully stand up to him. It makes the world feel less breakable.
The facial scar doesn't come from anything particularly exotic or traumatic. He and Sekmet were icicle-fencing and she stabbed him in the face a little too hard.
Voytek's hive is an ice castle near the beach. It gets a bit humid and drippy in the summer, but that's when he goes camping inland or sleeps in the sauna (which, for practical reasons, is not made of ice blocks.)
Notes: Voytek - moderately famous historical internet celebrity Voytek the Polish Soldier Bear. Elkeid - name of one of the stars in Ursa Major.

Desahd Marqys

"You harbor many SUBVERSIVE NOTIONS about ALTERNIAN SOCIETY, which you choose to express through the medium of REALLY AWFUL PORN."
Gender: Male Trolltag: GrammaticalTormentor Blood: Purple Lusus: Cecaelia/Octopus Mertroll
Relationships: Unrequited all around.
Typing Quirk: Standard spelling and grammar, mostly standard capitalization, *emphasizes* EVERYTHING!!
Sburb: Prince of Mind (Breaker of Thinkpans, in other words)
Abstratus: Penkind
Description: Teenage alien Marquis de Sade wannabe. And bad at it. In a way, this may be fortunate for him in the short term - it's easier to avoid suspicion if nobody can make it far enough through your subversive documents to get to the subversive parts - but it bodes ill for any efforts to propagate his notions within society at large. It's hard to tell how much of the disturbing smut in his various literary masterpieces is some kind of veiled social commentary or satire and how much is completely non-ironic "bored lonely teenage boy" regular old disturbing smut. The thing is, apart from the nausea fuel, he's not a bad writer. He can get a bit purple in spots, but it's readable enough.
He has slightly better luck interacting with people online rather than face-to-face, where his lack of any respect for personal space isn't an issue.
Partly, his issues with others stem from innocently bad social skills, but there is a strong element of "I don't care, and I don't have to care" where others' boundaries are concerned. He has, intellectually, rejected a lot of the elements of the current power structure, but he's still carrying around a lot of what, at risk of sounding like Kankri, I'll call internalized highblood privilege. He's not one of those who believes that revolution carries the obligation to treat individual lowbloods more respectfully. Desahd refuses to acknowledge the obligation to respect anyone! He does what he wants!
Notes: Ooh, a male highblood sexualized joke character, how terribly original! :P

Ondine Wakame

Gender: Female Trolltag: TrierarchAmazon Blood: Violet Lusus: Sea Serpent
Relationships: Strong rivalry with Sekmet, which may blossom into blackrom under the right circumstances. May be friends with Devora based on their shared interest in history. As the only other sea dweller, she takes Nereus under her fin when he's first meeting the land dwellers.
Sburb: Thief of Breath
Abstratus: Fankind
Description: A Seadweller who loves messing about in boats - preferably, old-fashioned ones. She has a strong interest in naval history (of both the spacy and watery varieties), as well as archaic Alternian culture. She has a driven and adventurous spirit, as well as a bit of a dramatic streak. Likes to think of herself as a swashbuckler. In terms of earth subcultures, she's an Age of Sail enthusiast with a slight streak of non-anime-oriented Japanophile.
Notes: This girl was made of puns. I got the name making a list of six-letter words that sounded like they'd make good troll names. Ondine = a water spirit, Wakame = Japanese name for a kind of edible seaweed. So, a sea troll with a Japanese connection. Ondine's Curse is a medical condition that affects the breathing reflex and can cause respiratory arrest - so, she became the Thief of Breath. She got the fans because of the Breath aspect, because I wanted a Japanese connection to go with her last name, and because I liked the idea of a fan troll who literally wielded fans.

Nereus Fhtagn

Gender: Male Trolltag: GrimdorkApocalypse Blood: A slightly plummier shade of violet Lusus: Kraken
Relationships: Friends with Ondine, doesn't really know the other trolls that well initially. Eventually moirails with Erzuli.
Typing Quirk: all lower case, but puts proper nouns in ALLCAPS. Puts a 0 after every o, to make bubbles, like so: we shall swim o0ut to that bro0o0ding reef in the sea and dive do0wn thro0ugh black abysses to CYCLO0PEAN and many-co0lumned Y'HA-NTHLEI, and in that lair o0f the DEEP O0NES we shall dwell amidst wo0nder and glo0ry fo0r ever.
Sburb: Bard of Void.
Description: Nereus is a bit of an odd little fish, but being raised in the depths of the ocean by a hundred-sweeps-old sapient colossal squid can have unusual effects on one's development. He's kind of pasty looking and rather clumsy on land, although he's in good shape and a very strong swimmer. He's book-smart, but didn't socialize much with other young trolls in his youth and had no face to face interactions with land trolls at all. He tends to veer between awkward and adorkable, and innocently disturbing. He's pretty mellow for a highblood, but his habit of talking about all manner of horrifying subjects in the same soft-spoken, gently interested way he uses to ask what land dwellers do for 12th Perigee's Eve is troubling in its own way.
Notes: Nereus = Greek Titan of the ocean, father of the Nereids. Fhtagn: Word from the Cthulhu mythos. ("Dreaming"?)

This took a whole evening, and I don't even have a full twelve. Uff da!

the internet is a time suck, silliness, fandom

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