Mar 28, 2010 09:22
First of all, thanks for the comments, suggestions, info and support.
As I write this, I am getting ready to head out to the breeder's to see how my allergies will react. It'll be a two hour drive each way, so the trip there will be an adventure in itself. The chance to get out and about is nice too :)
I did speak with my mother earlier in the week - Thursday night - and i basically confronted her with the same concerns I expressed in my previous post. I pointed out to her that this is a personal decision, that I do have the funds to make this work, that I am responsible, and that my visiting the breeder doesn't necessarily mean I will come back with a cat (although at this point i would really like to - if the allergy thing doesn't work out, it doesn't. If it does, i might still have to get things ready for the cat first). I also mentioned I felt her prejudices were heavily coloured by the behaviour of that one tenant, which she conceded - perhaps not outright, but at least admitted through being unable to give any other excuse.