I am having a crisis of faith right now... in part of my life that has in the past been my foundation around which the rest of my life revolves.
If you've been following this blog or talked to me recently, you know that I recently moved to Toronto with my Mom. My Dad roadtripped with me shortly after convocation and took a flight back to Calgary on Tuesday. He still has a job in Calgary, so he'll be going back and forth between the cities for a while.
Things in Toronto since have been busy, warm, frustrating, for various reasons... but the one thing that brought me to tears today was the fact that my Mother mentioned my Dad saying he may sell the house in Calgary and buy a condo instead.
There has always been some question as to *when* my Dad will join us permanently in Toronto... the issue is his job has direct relevance to the oil and gas industry and he says he would have difficulty finding a comparable job here in Toronto, in terms of both job description and compensation. Honestly though, I don't even know if he's been looking.
Time mentioned for him to move over here has varied from 6 months to 2 years. And now he mentions moving in to a condo?
Understandably my mother was more than concerned. So was I. She doesn't know whether to call this a seperation or what. Neither do I.
I called my dad later this afternoon and he said it was 'just an offhand comment', and assured me he sent my mom a clarifying email and would call her later tonight.
Still, I can't help but feel like our family is spread pretty thin right now.
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