Yay, Percy Fest has been revealed. Here is the fic I wrote. :)
Fear in a Handful of DustAuthor:
florahartPairing: Percy/Oliver; mentions of past Percy relationships.
Rating: Adult
Words: 9650
Warnings: I don't know that this needs warning for (it's not noncon or anything frequently found on squick lists, and it's not chan), but for those readers who like to know exactly what they're getting into: * Something on the order of PTSD*
Summary: Percy has been struggling with increasingly troubling and disruptive dreams since the Battle of Hogwarts, and now, things are coming to a head.
A/N: This was originally written for the
percy_ficathon 2007, for
mnemosyne_1. My apologies for not bringing it back around to smut; it felt pasted-on, and that's generally unpreferred. Also, this fic is hardly dark, but it's also not chipper.