Mar 15, 2009 23:03
Before I start, I just have to say that I apologize for talking about relationships again, but it's what's been on my mind a lot lately. So stop reading if you don't want to hear me, but I'm going to write cuz I need to get it off my chest. Again.
I'm 25. I live in NYC. Currently don't have a job, but I'm looking, so hopefully that counts for something. I'm not an old maid, I'm not living in the booonies. But so many people I know are engaged, married, and/or have kids. And they're maybe my age, maybe a bit younger or maybe a bit older.
Congrats to you, really. I'm glad you're in a position in your life that you feel secure enough to do those things. And I'm not saying this in a sarcastic way at all. I think it's amazing that people can find "the one" and carry on with life. But in order to get there, I need to have my own life. And right now, I don't. I don't have a job. I'm not even close. I've had one temp. job that lasted a week. And it's over and now I'm back to doing nothing. I think if I at least had a job that I could feel proud, maybe it didn't pay well but at least I had a "9-5" job and could budget for, then I'd feel like I was a person.
I know the economy sucks right now. I do. It sucks huge donkey balls, and I really hate it. I don't care though. It still means I don't have a job and probably won't have a job for at least a few months yet. Which is ridiculous. And this probably doesn't make sense, because I'm just writing as I go and not really thinking straight. But all of this is tied together. Because I don't feel like I would be worth dating until I have a job. And clearly this isn't going to happen any time soon. Not that I know of any guys to date, cuz I haven't had anywhere TO meet one.
So yay for moving to NYC.
I do know I need to give this thing a few months yet before I get really really upset. I just hope something happens soon. Cuz the restaurants here are just too good to leave. Plus there's a cute little bar just around the corner from here. Nothing fancy, but at least they have 'cheap' pints ($4-$6). And I need a job so I can spend some of it shopping. :)
Ugh. Please please please please let the reason I feel this way and have been rejected so many times be because there's such a great job here for me that isn't anywhere else. Please.
Oh and, happy Ides of March day. :-P