Green Ninja

Jan 09, 2011 09:20

Please note I have not watched any anime for quite some time.

Last night I had a dream that I lived deep in the mountains with only a few other people.  I traveled to a secret ninja village to ask a man about 17th century Japanese roof tiles and water management.  He was very helpful and excited to explain how the tiles were designed and constructed and then we discussed fluted spouts to move water.   They were the experts because their village used the water element as the source of their ninjitsu so they had constantly flowing water all over the place.  They were also very good at agriculture and thus were a self-sustaining community.
Later in the night (in the dream), a ninja from an enemy clan came to kill some of the ninja.  She used thin garrote as a weapon.  Some of the ninja knew she was there and were waiting.  She sensed one above her through a stone floor and threw the end of the garrote line up through the stone.  It caught something above and she yanked down on the line.  At first I though it was a hand because it looked like fingers caught in the wire, but then a stone carved bust of a statue came through the floor.   The wire she was using was yanked upwards and she went with it.   The hole in the floor was only so big and she was lodged in it at the shoulders.  One of the ninja had a demon that lived in his hand (kind of like in the anime D) and it crushed the back part of her skull and ate her brains while she screamed.

ah huh


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