Jan 02, 2011 11:28
Oh I have been so lazy in not posting. -_- Maybe I will make a resolution to post more.
Christmas eve was spent at my Aunt's house with the cousins. It was really silly and fun. They have the Kinect, so it was dance battle mania on Dance Central. Full of lulz. Went home and chatted with ninja_tech on skype and opened my presents. My dad sent me a desktop trebuchet kit. LOL That will be fun to put together. I need to go to Menards and get a few little clamps before I start it.
2010 went really quickly and so much stuff happened. It will be hard to top that one. :) I have my vacation time in for '11 already. Super excited to go to Hokkaido! My brother is getting married, too - will need to save some time for that. *sigh* It's going to be an expensive summer. X (
Last month I bought a high efficiency furnace. $$ oi. I was having trouble keeping the house warm. Turns out the circuit board that tells the fan to turn on was fried and the worst part was the heat exchanger was cracked - this is hazardous as it can fill the house with carbon monoxide. It was either patch the problems for 1300 or just replace it. So I went with the replacement. Now I have a high eff. one that cuts my cost on bills and is better for the green.
Lately I have been having some insanely vivid and crazy wacky dreams. Getting fired from a farm job by a real-life co-worker (thanks Sam, you bastard), working in a professional assassin training company (who knew there were cube farms involved in that and where the hell is the vending machine). Last night was a battle against demon hordes who took my future-daughter from me and my half-demon lover (who looked a lot like Gackt thankyougawd). I got to wear the most badass dress in the dream. It was full of action and neat-o.
Oh, and last night I went to Billy Elliot: The Musical. It was really awesome and I had a seat in the front row of the center balcony. Gorgeous! I have to say that the ballet bits were my favorite parts. Maybe I should make a point to get some tickets to a ballet performance. !!
house adventure,