Kid in a Cradle? No thanks, I'll pass.

May 15, 2005 11:28

Shit , ain't posted in a while, but I'll make this as short as I kin. Fuck, I think I'm gonna snig-a-cig real quick first, though. Right on, right on. I will now work my way backwards from this point to the last point, or whatever.
Sun: woke up, designed my next tattoo, )which I was impressed to draw so decently( called Poop, left word, called Jeff, bull-shat for a few, looked at some shit Miss Action found on the intra-net, got on here myself. Started this post.
Sat: woke up late, went to work at Jeff's brother's house, came home, ate Taco Bell, went with Jeff to get his fighting Irish tattoo, which came out real well. Almost got one myself, but glad that I waited so I could tweak what I wanted a bit. I might end up getting it next week when Jeff goes to get his other one.
Fri: fucking Trailor Park Boys is an awesome show.
Nothing much else from there, but listen to this shit. Luis came and picked me up for work the other morning, )Tuesday or Wednesday( and we stopped at a gas station to get goodies and meet Dad to follow him to the job. I get my shit, and I'm standing outside to toke a smoke. This Bronco pulls up, and a girl gets out and goes inside. I stroll by to talk to Luis, and the woman driver gives me a big smile. I, of course, smile back and nod. Then she rolls down her window and says, "Are you going to work?" She's probably 35-40ish, and was probably pretty attractive when she was my age. My age being a key in this story. I'm like,"Yeah just about to head out here in a minute." I'm thinking, is this lady hitting on me? What the fuck. She then says,
"How old are you?"
"Oh, that's to bad, my daughter's boyfriend just broke up with her, and I thought you were awfully cute."
"Oh, well, preciate it."
"Yeah, she's in the store right now, she's sixteen, but you wouldn't know it by looking at her or talking to her. You'd think she was twenty-something. You should wait for second and meet her."
"Actually, I've got a girlfriend"
"Oh, are you married?"
"No, not yet."
"Well, there's nothing wrong with having friends. You should talk to her."
At this point, Dad comes out of the store and says, "You ready, follow me."
saving me from trying to figure out what to say without coming off rude.
The lady then waves at her daughter to hurry up, and I say, "Well, I better go, duty calls." )or something stupid like that( And she's like, "Oh, well I'm sure we'll see you around." As we pull out, her daughter gets in the truck and they both gave me big waves and smiles. That's fucked up. The lady knew how old I was, but still tried to hook me up with her 16 year old daughter. I'm 26. She's sixteen. Fuck. I still don't know what to make of that. If I wanted to justify it somehow, maybe her daughter has been down on herself, and the mom was just fishing for compliments for her to make her feel better. I'm not sure that was it though. I will say, that if I was the dad, and found out that my daughter was seeing or talking to a 26 year old guy, after I tortured him, dismembered his body and ran it through a meat grinder, she would be in time-out for a very long time. Why would you ever try to set up your teenage girl with someone who was 10 years older than them? Kind of disturbing.
Anyways, that's my week pretty much.
Oh, and I talked to Fred til like, three in the morning the other night, or morning. It was good. I always enjoy good conversations with good people who I miss all the time.
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