(no subject)

Jan 11, 2005 16:44

Today I had an MRI. Why? Because it is an easy way to make 25 bucks. I got in the MRI machine deathly afraid that metal schrapnel had somehow found its way into my body while I was sitting in the waiting room. Fortuantly, I was okay. I performed a series of tests that consisted of pressing buttons. (The button box was made by my dad! YAY.) I did this highly challenging tests, example : press left if you hear a "E" sound as in beet, press right if you hear a "ehh" sound as in "bit". And as I was showing the cognitive science department at Brown my vowel skills, the huge MRI machine buzzed loudly. I have a feeling I fell asleep and actually performed the tests in my sleep because I had to keep my eyes closed the whole time. Sheila was overseeing the experiment and she and the grad students kept on cheering me on. "GREAT JOB ELENA!" " YOU CAN DO IT!" "REACH and touch that button to your right, you can do it! just put up a fight!" Okay, I exaggerated. They said I did a "good job". I got paid 20 dollars, so in addition to the 5 dollars I made yesteday doing the same tests only outside the MRI machine, I made more money in 1 hour and 15 minutes than I have ever made in 1 hour and 15 minutes. At my summer job, which I am not returning to this summer, I had to work at least 3 hours to make 20 dollars. Here, I cut the time in half, and no taxes were taken out. I have decided my future career. Human Lab RAT. Or Human Lab Human, since I am not a rat. The best part of the experiement is that I will recieve free pictures of the inside of my brain! My dad says this is good because now I can see that my brain is not abnormal which I have always believed, but just like everyone else's brain. I still don't know. I told him I think my brain must have scales or something. Reptile scales, not musical ones. I am desperately lonely and I want to get together with my Jamie and Abby. They light up my life. However, I think I am going to visit my aunt in Colorado for like a week or so. Aunt Barby. I love her. She just finished a book and she is getting it published. When I'm with Aunt Barby we do fun things like eat and do writing exercises because she teaches writing seminars. I hope I can go visit her. I really want to go somewhere this vacation. I think going to New York would be fun. I love New York City. I don't know who I would go with or where I would stay, but I would just like to walk around the city. I always have fun there, even when I'm with my family. One time I got to visit the soap opera set with Susan Lucci, and the set of the View that stars my buddy Meredith. I got the whole backstage tour because my mom's friend Elena's boyfriend. My namesake...no not the boyfriend, my mom's friend, works in the technical department for ABC studios. That was fun excecpt that the soap opera set was like 10 times more elegant and suave and sparkling clean than my actual bedroom/house. Speaking of houses I am going to win the one on HGTV. go to HGTV.com and look at the house. It's in texas. And it's beautiful. And in a few short weeks it could be mine. If I win I plan to get married right away, drop out of college, and move to Tyler, Texas with my new husband. I can't wait.
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