New Job!

Jan 22, 2007 13:00

The job-market is an odd place. With odd people who make it their job to search for possible employees for the companies that they are employed by. Problem is, that those head-hunters always seem know too little about the job they are advertising for others. And so they fall back to standard questions in the interviews they hold to pre-select. The worst question of all is: "Which are your three worst personal attributes?" I mean, hello? There are books written about how to answer this question correctly (I haven't read them, though, so I don't really know.. ;-)). What possible "insight" could someone gather from the answer to that question?? Because everyone HAS TO lie in answering that.
Or maybe one should just spit out the truth:

"I talk bad behind co-workers backs constantly"
"I do not handle critisicm well"
"I have terrible mood-swings. All the time"
"I am a really lazy person"
"I am a very good liar.. is that considered a bad attribute?"
"Well, I really like to sleep around, you know."
"I do drink way too much alcohol. Especially in lunch-breaks"

Well, I am babbeling when I should rather do something productive.
New job, yay! Starting soon! Having free time now!
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