Веганский чизкейк, веганское мороженое

Feb 20, 2010 01:10

рецепты с http://goveg.com


Безмолочный мягкий "сыр" - вот в чем секрет этого \тут не знаю как перевести, но видимо шикарного\ десерта. Смешайте его со свежими фруктами, растопленным шоколадом, карамелью и орехами пекан для райского наслаждения.
2 пачки мягкого \кремового\ веганского сыра \думаю, шелковый тофу тоже пойдет\.
1 чашка сахара \чашка - чуть больше стакана\
сок одного лимона
2 ст.л. кукурузного крахмала
ваниль на кончике ножа
основа для пирога из крошки печенья
свежая малина или готовая вишневая начинка для пирогов

Разогрейте духовку до 35О град. по Фаренгейту \по нашему - 18О С\
В блендере или комбайне тщательно смешайте веганский сыр, сахар, лимонный сок, крахмал и ваниль и выложите в основу для пирога.
Запекайте на 35OF \18OC\ 6O минут или пока верх не подрумянится \станет золотистым\.
Дайте остыть до комнатной температуры, затем выложите верх пирога свежими ягодами или начинкой. Охладите в холодильнике до застывания, несколько часов или в течение ночи.

Выход: 8 порций.


Nondairy cream cheese is the secret to this decadent dessert. Smother it with fresh fruit or melted chocolate, caramel, and pecans for a heavenly treat.
2 8-oz. containers plain nondairy cream cheese
1 cup sugar
Juice of one whole lemon
2 Tbsp. corn starch
Dash of vanilla
Graham-cracker crust
Fresh raspberries or canned cherry pie filling

• Preheat the oven to 350°F.
• In a blender or food processor, thoroughly blend together the nondairy cream cheese, sugar, lemon juice, corn starch, and vanilla and pour into the graham-cracker crust.
Bake at 350°F for 60 minutes or until the top is golden brown.
• Allow to cool to room temperature and then cover the top of the cheesecake with fresh fruit or pie filling and chill in the refrigerator until firm, several hours or overnight.

Makes 8 servings

Coconut Ice Cream

Rich and creamy vegan coconut ice cream is better than its dairy counterpart.
3 14-oz. cans coconut milk (approximately 5 cups)
2 Tbsp. agar-agar flakes
2-3 vanilla beans
1/8 tsp. sea salt
1 Tbsp. vanilla extract
1 cup maple syrup
2 Tbsp. melted coconut oil

• In a medium saucepan, use a wire whisk to combine the coconut milk, agar-agar, vanilla beans, and sea salt.
• Bring to a simmer, cover, and cook over medium-low heat until the agar-agar is completely dissolved, stirring often.
• Remove from the heat and discard the vanilla beans.
• Stir in the vanilla extract and the maple syrup. Pour into a shallow pan and cool in the refrigerator for approximately 25 minutes, or until firm.
• In a blender, combine small amounts of the milk mixture and the coconut oil until creamy. Repeat until the remaining milk mixture and oil have been blended.
• Pour into a bowl and stir, adding additional maple syrup and vanilla if desired.
• Pour into an ice-cream machine and churn until firm.

Makes 1 quart

Chocolate Sorbet

This decadent frozen dessert is not overly sweet and can be served plain or topped with a sweet fruit purée.
1 cup sugar
3 cups water
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla

• In a large saucepan, cook the sugar over medium heat until beginning to melt. Do not stir.
• Continue to cook, stirring often, until completely melted and caramelized.
• Add the water, allowing the caramel to steam and harden. Cook over medium-low heat until dissolved, stirring often.
• Add the cocoa and the salt and whisk until dissolved. Transfer to a bowl and cool, stirring occasionally.
• Stir in the vanilla, cover, and chill for approximately 2 hours.
• Process in an ice-cream maker, then transfer to an airtight container. Allow to firm in the freezer before serving.

Makes approximately 1 qt.

If you don’t have an ice cream maker, then pour the sorbet into a shallow, freezer-proof baking dish, place it in the freezer, and stir it every 30 minutes to 1 hour; repeat this step until the sorbet is smooth and frozen

Coffee Granita

No ice cream machine is required for this delicious frozen treat. Serve it plain in a chilled martini glass or topped with vegan whipped cream for an elegant dessert.
4 cups brewed espresso, cooled
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. lemon juice

• Combine all the ingredients, adding additional sugar if desired.
• Pour into a 9 x 13-inch pan and freeze for approximately 30 minutes, or until ice crystals begin to form. Remove from the freezer and stir. Repeat until completely frozen, then serve.

Makes 10 servings

перевод скоро будет...

адаптации, шоколад, кокосовое молоко, тофу, десерты, выпечка, vegan, американская кухня

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