I have pms and I'm grumpie

Mar 24, 2008 10:23

i just read an entry of a friend who's girlfriend broke up with her - if the breaker-upper were to read my journal i'd have two thoughts for her:

1. knee-jerk reaction - you're a fucking idiot and i hope you spend every day regretting breaking up with my friend b/c it's truly YOUR loss, you did her a favor.
2. thought out response - i'm sure you have your own demons that you need to work through, and i hope you do, but you're truly missing out on one wonderful person, but it does sound like you're not worthy of her and could learn a lot from her - too bad.

nothing's going on at work b/c it's the day after easter so here i sit catching up, spilling out, bitching my hormonally induced anger out (I need my treadmill) and waiting for the hours to pass.  6.5 to go...

ok, on a positive note, i'm munching on some sugar snap peas and they're scrumptious.  i've taken to diet pepsi and veggies at work - so i'm still able to crunch and munch, but free of most calories!

i have tomorrow off and will spend the day writing my second paper that's due on friday.  i'm excited about this paper because i've found an interesting way to tie it all together.  we read 'white teeth' by zadie smith and some articles about 'race, writing and the difference it makes', so i'm going to tie in our postcolonial learnings to one of the only white people in the novel by calling him the tragically absurd hero and using camus' myth of sisyphus as the garnish.  sounds wicked geeky (and it is) but i'm excited to pull it all together.  Little Man may be home with me as he wasn't feeling well this morning.  so i'll potentially be student and mommy/care giver tomorrow.  sometimes i forget that i need to have an endless amount of patience with him, and other times it's the easiest thing in the world to love him to little bitty pieces.  what a precursor to having my own kids - my own?! scary thought!

i've been very into writing lately - all i want to do is stay home from work and write, or travel around and write.  i'm tired of my conventional job.

i've been looking into a new(er) toyota camry lately as well.  i really like the 2005 model.  they've got the volume control on the steering wheel, and toyotas last forever - what more could a car buyer ask for?

ok - to work - i'm now not feeling well and super unmotivated - but i want to get stuff done, just for the sake of doing something.  5.5 hours to go... 
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