Another Saturday Night

Aug 30, 2008 21:00

It's Labor Day weekend.  Got up at 5:45 AM this morning so we could hit the road before most of the traffic.  We try to drive 3 hours up the coast of Florida to visit my in-laws several times a year.  My niece's hubby just returned from 15 months in Iraq and they are here too before they report to their new post.  While he was in Iraq, she lived at Fort Drum in upstate NY, took care of her daughter and her 2 stepkids and finished at the top of her class in college, taking online classes.  She has not always had an easy path but I am so proud of her accomplishments.

A week ago Sissy had her 22nd birthday but it was the b-day from hell, poor kid.  Boyfriend (BF) had taken her car out to run errands and ended up getting pulled over and ticketed for expired registration. It had only expired 4 days earlier (Hubby's b-day).  She had also just moved to a new place and was planning a house-warming/b-day bbq but it seems one of the guests (they have their suspicions) lifted her laptop computer.  Since she started back to school the following Monday, she was up the proverbial creek without a paddle.  While we can't afford to replace her laptop, we were able to help her get a desktop she can use for school.  That wiped out the rest of the sinking fund that Hubby planned to use to replace his own aging laptop.  We had also hoped to refurbish an old Gemeinhart flute I got on e-bay cheap.  With August quickly winding down and Christmas shopping around the corner, I guess these thing will be pushed back to 2009.

I was on a little bit ago.  The tropical season is really heating up.  While Florida does not appear to be in the direct path of Gustav, the entire state is already covered in rain clouds that are part of the outflow feeder bands.  A lot of this state is still frying to dry out from Fay's 6-day trek across the entire peninsula.  We are also having to keep our eyes on Hanna to the west as the prognosticators are having difficulty predicting her future path at this time.

Baby seems to be settling into her school routine pretty well but she is still having a problem putting together the equation of going to bed too late plus getting up before dawn equals really tired/out of steam before hw is done.  At the end of last week we had to go over to the school and straighten out her schedule but she should be set now.  I hope we have done the right thing and she won't end up feeling overwhelmed with school.

Once this weekend is over, things should really be picking up at the office.  I've got a new person starting; the project pushed back from July should be completed; I have to oversee the conversion of a file room to our new department office area, we are implementing a new records policy (I am the keeper of a lot of the electronic records) and I have to push hard on my remaining goal for 2008.  The year is already 2/3 over and I am feeling the passage of time.  I also have my 2nd college class that will go from mid-October to mid-December.

I am going to spend some time with my mother-in-law before we go to bed.  I will also spend some time reading.  I am currently enjoying "Fuzzy Navel" by J.A. Konrath but I was able to snag a copy of "Audition" by Barbara Walters  from the library that I am looking forward to as well.

Until next time...
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