Jul 04, 2006 11:55
They were totally just playing Placebo on the radio in here. It was pretty awesome. I am amused and entertained and excited. I had never heard the song before, but I'm pretty sure it was Placebo. Brian Molko's voice is pretty easy to recognize.
So, I have officially found my favourite computer cafe. They have tons of really nice computers, each station has a nice comfy chair, it's spacious, clean, etc, the staff speaks English, it's cool inside, and they don't charge anymore than anywhere else. That is where I am now, if you couldn't tell.
Anyway. Last night I went out to dinner with the group (there were 12 of us--there are only like 18 people in the whole program; the people who didn't come with us were either here last session and so have other friends, or have friends visiting them, etc, this has become like a thing--it's actually kindof wierd because it's like there are a couple little clicks, with like 2 people in them, and a couple people who just don't really care to interact with the rest of the group, and then there's just this big group of 12! It's actually sortof nice... though I would appreciate it more if the big group had more people that I could really relate to--btw, do you think this parenthetic section is long enough?). We were trying to go to a place called Za-Za's which Rachel actually recomended to me (I didn't suggest it last night though, the boys really wanted to go there--oh yeah, there are exactly 3 boys, just in case you were wondering). Anyway, Za-Za's has all these tables outside under this big awning (it's the main part of the restaurant I think), and there is another almost identical awning thing also with tables underneath directly next to it--we thought it was all Za-Za's, but when we sat down we realized that where we were sitting was actually another restaurant. But the food was good and it was not too pricey and the menu was in ENGLISH so we were very happy anyway.
Tomorrow my class is going to the Uffizi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm ridiculously excited. It's ridiculous. I hope I don't cry in front of my class. That would be a bit uncomfortable. Anyway, my Museology class is pretty good (we had our second session today). The professor is very nice. She is German originally, but she speaks very good English and Italian (well, actually I don't know how good her Italian is because I wouldn't be able to tell the difference, but I assume that it is as she has been here for a long time). The lecture was very interesting, though it did drag on a bit towards the end, but after 2 and 1/2 hours almost any lecture would start to drag, really.
So this afternoon I have Italian class again and then I think I might try to go to the Duomo Museum (not the Duomo itself--I'm not going to start climbing at 4pm!). But maybe I'll go somewhere else. I don't know. I have to make a list. OMG I HAVE TO SEE SO MUCH!!!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I guess that's enough babble for now. Maybe I'll do something useful like find out how much my cell phone costs...