Fic: 5 Things Drugged!McCoy Didn't Mean to Say

Jun 25, 2009 01:12

Title: 5 Things Drugged!McCoy Didn't Mean to Say
Pairing: Spock/McCoy for a change
Rating: PG-13 for some swearing and suggestive content
Summary: in response to this prompt.  McCoy is drugged up and says some things he means, but didn't mean to say.


"Dammit, Jim, you cannot keep doing this!"

Jim blinked at him, and then purred, "Why, whatever do you mean, Dr. McCoy?"

The truth serum is still in effect and Jim knows it, damn him, so McCoy can't stop the words that follow.

"You place so little value on your own life I have to assume you believe no one would care if you die. Not only is that untrue, it's hurtful, because I'm your friend, dammit, of course I'd care even if no one else did. The men and women and aliens in your crew, somehow or another all of them look up to you, they care about you, and if you die, even trying to save them, they'll miss you."

A long pause fell between them before Kirk clapped him on the shoulder. "Bones, you're a better friend than I give you credit for."


"How do I look, Doctor?"

Uhura wished she could take back the dangerous question. Even beautiful women have reason to fear an honest man.

"Like a tramp," McCoy said bluntly, "but that's Stafleet's fault, not yours. That uniform is so ridiculously impractical, the designer should have been shot for suggesting it. He was probably a lascivious admiral who wanted to take advantage of young junior officers. The heeled boots are unsafe and are detrimental to long-term health, the short skirt can't possibly be comfortable in the range of climates you have to operate in, and there are no sleeves to show your rank, which must mean someone didn't like the idea of female superior officers."

Uhura smiled and kissed his cheek. "You're a real gentleman, Leonard McCoy."


Gaila was practically fellating her own finger idly while McCoy updated her medical file.

"Len, what's with all the snide remarks about aliens, anyway? You a xenophobe or something?"

"It's not fear. It's resentment. I had to take almost a year's worth of extra courses just dealing with xenobiology and alien diseases! Also..." he paused, struggling to overcome the drug but ultimately unequal to the task. "I jacked off to xeno porn as a kid, so I feel really awkward around alien races."

Gaila laughed. She laughed at him. McCoy sulked for a few hours until it became clear that this unplanned confession, at least, wasn't making the grounds of ship gossip.


"McCoy, my good man, would you care f'r a drink?" Scotty had obviously started the party without him.

"It's not like it could lower my inhibitions any more," McCoy blurted, before saying, "and no, I would not like a drink. I'm not some kind of lush, dammit! I just happen to need a little medicinal alcohol to handle shuttle travel, and Jim Kirk decides to take me bar-crawling every weekend. I nurse one whiskey a night and I'm a lightweight, but I drink him under the table and I'm an alcoholic. The man is bipolar! Anyway, I don't like the taste of alcohol and I especially dislike your moonshine, which is not even fit for human consumption."

Scotty swayed a little, hiccuped, and said brightly, "Well, more for me, then!"


"Doctor - I don't mean to take adwantage of your condition, but I must ask, now that I know I can have an honest answer," Chekov prevaricated.

"Ask the damn question, ensign, before I go gray."

"Do you think I am doing vell here?"

McCoy softened a little. Everyone had a bit of a protective streak where Pavel Chekov was concerned.

"Ensign, you graduated early and with high honors, you were handpicked for this crew by Captain Pike and handpicked again by Kirk; you've been publishing articles on your innovations in the field of mathematics since you were thirteen, and you've been authoring and coauthoring some of the newest discoveries in the fields of astrogation, physics, transporter theory, and engineering since you were fifteen. You are not just a prodigy, but a brilliant man and a fine officer. A little enthusiastic, perhaps, but you haven't seriously let down anyone on this crew. More than that, you saved my best friend's life, not just once but several times. You're doing marvelously, Ensign. As you were."

Chekov returned to his post, face flushed with triumph.

McCoy would never have said it under normal circumstances, but he was glad the kid finally had some self-confidence for a change.

.And One Thing He Meant With All His Heart.

Spock had finally prepared a counter-agent, though he mentioned at one point that he wasn't sure of the necessity - Vulcans didn't lie and it never bothered them a bit.

McCoy kind of thought he was being teased.

The hypo was primed, but Spock was staring at him instead of jabbing it home. "Dr. McCoy, I would like to ask a question while I am sure the answer will not contain lies or attempts to mislead."

"Fire away, it's not like the rest bothered to ask permission," McCoy said wearily. Well, Chekov almost had.

"I would like to inquire as to the nature of your...feelings toward me. You rarely act anything other than antagonistic, but I am aware that for some socially awkward humans, this is a sign of courtship."

"Whoa there. It's or anything like that." McCoy took a deep breath, because the compulsion to tell the truth could be delayed, it just tickled his brain until he complied. "But I do feel...I love you, Spock. I don't know when or why it happened, it's irrational and it makes it almost impossible for me to do my job around you, but I love you. And I worry that if I let you close at all I'll never want to let you go, so I try to keep you away."

Spock neglected the hypospray to touch McCoy's face. "This fear is what is illogical. There are not enough words in the tongues of man for what I feel for thee."

kirk, spock/mccoy, uhura, gaila, scotty, bones, spock, chekov

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