(no subject)

Mar 27, 2013 20:37


* Brushed the dog. Which is not exactly an achievement (one handful of dog wool) but he enjoys it and it is *some* sort of productive activity. I'm trying to brush him at least weekly because even though he's very easy-care he gets dandruff if the pollen is high, and sometimes gets itchy and makes hotspots, and brushing him seems to fix both of these.
* Took my vitamins, which I am listing because of how very bad I have been at doing that for a while. It's dumb to skip this because if I take especially the magnesium I get noticeably less long muscle aching, and I am a cave troll who doesn't get many opportunities to formulate vitamin D from sunlight. Also if I start taking them regularly I will add B12 and see if that helps with my energy levels, but it's not a good test if my baseline is erratic.
* Made breakfast soup. Yes, soup for breakfast, don't judge! I like fairly light savory stuff and soup fits the bill. This was: well-concentrated chicken stock, mushrooms (about a handful each shiitake and oyster), a handful of cubed leftover chicken, half a large onion, a few handfuls of brown rice, a handful of urad dal (brown lentils would have fit better but that's what we had in the house), leftover veggie bits (cauliflower stems, some leftover escarole and rocket), salt and white pepper. Browned the onion in schmaltz, sauteed the mushrooms a bit, then simmered with everything else until the rice and lentils got soft. Super easy to put together (another great thing about soup) and it made four servings and is hearty without being heavy. I had been intending to do something a little fancy with those mushrooms as a treat, but last week was very get-nothing-done so when I found them they had dried out a bit and it seemed better to put them into soup, which perked them back up nicely.


* Baked a squash to up the veggie quotient of breakfasts.
* Was very sick and tired.
* Oh yeah, took my vitamins.

blah, food, laundry list, health

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