
Jan 30, 2013 10:26

So this week and the last I have:

* Had a blood test for my long-overdue thyroid. (I ended up having to get some extra pills to cover the gap, even though my dosage may change.)
* A flu shot (that will happen later today) and also a look at my surgery scar, since it's gone a little tender and puffy in the last week so might be mildly infected.
* Slept SIX WHOLE HOURS last night, and FOUR WHOLE HOURS at night the night before, a definite positive trend towards less of the completely awful nocturnal flip insomnia of doom.
* Gotten up and lightboxed every single day somewhere between 6 and 6:30 am (I credit this for the less insomnia.)
* Eaten on my elimination diet, except for Medicinal Caffeine (migraine today necessitated that, and coffee is a nicer way to take it). Okay the caffeine over the weekend may have been more of an Incentive Caffeine. As a result I am no longer getting horribly ill every time I eat. Which means that there is something in my routine diet that makes me horribly ill since the latest glutening, sigh. But now I have the tools for winkling that out.
* Walked farthest yet since I broke my foot. (Which is probably 95% now; I can balance on it and everything. I still take stairs funny, though.)
* Exercised, if not walked, at least twenty minutes every single day. (Assuming that yoga that can be done in bed counts, but some of it is reasonably vigorous, and also means my foot-PT stats have improved.)
* Mostly sleeping with mask even during the day. (I used to have a bad habit of sleeping only during the day and forgetting to use my mask then. Sleep doc may be puzzled at 72 hour stretches of no sleep.)
* Improved dog management. (More training, basically.)

I'm seeing my endoc about the thyroid test shortly, as well. I'm waiting on following up with my sleep doc until I can present a slightly less embarrassing trend of horrible bad sleep.

Things I want to have been doing but have not:

* Crutch practice. Since it's been hard enough just to walk plus lying PT. But I do want to maintain/reclaim it because it's an effective and *useful* upper body workout.
* Standing/walking PT. Mostly dropped on the floor because it's higher energy requirements than walking.
* Doing computery things like fixing up our aging/dead all the things. New wifi router waiting to go in. New backup disk. New computer replacing the one that just POPPED to finish setting up. Printer that worked from this computer and then stopped to troubleshoot. (At least it still works from android.) So very many computer things.
* More dog training. Crate training is going to take a lot of work since he's so averse, and I haven't had the spoons. Also want to work on loose leash walking and recall.

goals, critters, health

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