We've been very distracted/busy/tired, so not even MMO gaming... I know, sad!
However, we are beginning to get that tabletop itch again, and then some. We've built some characters who are
Pathfinder Society legal, and if the itch is still itchy after all of the busybusy this winter, well, maybe we'll give it a try. Brad ran into someone we used to play with in Living Greyhawk who extolled the virtues etc.
As a system, it's done wonders for fixing my burnout with 3.5. A lot of the things I'd wanted to have as houserules (such as a nice variety of sorcerer bloodlines) are baked right in. I loved traits in 4.0 and Pathfinder sneaks them in as traits. We'd stopped futzing around with our "build a world on the SRD" project when D&D 4.0 rolled out, because it just didn't work for 4.0 (not to mention that you can't edit the builder, so it's a pain to do something as trivial as mix up the domains on the deities, or add in custom languages) but now it's sprung back to life again, with a new living SRD to take root in. This leads to fun morning coffee conversations about how easily accessible magic for purifying (and creating) food and water leads to lower infant/child mortality rates. Though this world has pretty Lamarckian tendencies so probably diseases are curses and miasmas and not microbes anyhow. But still!