State of the Me / Brad Off to Ars Magica Con

Aug 18, 2011 20:40

I've been in waterskimmer mode this week, skating over the surface and not really able to get deep. That's okay, though I still need to learn to rest before I put myself so firmly into this state.

Brad is off to an Ars Magica con in Solvang, which makes me giggle because it's a weirdly good setting for it, kitsch and all. Hopefully he will celebrate his ability to eat Danishes without me looking mournful by going to the best bakery we found there and having many fine pastries. He also intends to go to the Hitching Post, which was featured in Sideways but which we never visited. (We did go to the place with impressive plates of ribs; I ordered the "small" size of beef ribs and was given enough ribs that we had some the next day for lunch, too.)

I had intended to pack lunch for him but he must have forgotten; I came back from our walk and fell asleep and when I woke up he was gone! I imagined him forlorn and lunchless on the highway, while in reality he is very practical and must have simply stopped somewhere for food.

I've been having lots of crashes and interruptions, and the cold nasty fog today seemed to sink right into my bones. Coffee ameliorated that but did not at all keep me awake. So mostly a dozy day today. I intend to loaf through the Bradless weekend, doing the bare minimum beyond keeping Jack fed and walked, and we'll eat out of the freezer next week. We've been keeping up our habits of batch cooking enough that we can take every third weekend off on cooking, and really that has been nice, especially for these sorts of things.

I'm looking forward to the stories when he's back. He's taking his module, all shiny from the playtest, and a funny throwaway concept that I came up with when I was playing around with the system but that he thought would make a great con character. They're having a larpish segment too, so he's doing another fun concept for that. (My concept, as all too many of my concepts are, is a woman, so less useful for him in a LARP.)

people, food, fun, health

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