Review of Deep State by Walter Jon Williams

May 27, 2011 00:14

My, this one took me a long time to read... I haven't been reading very much lately as I've been either a) busy or b) inevitably sleepy after the busy. I think I might have gotten farther then lost state, as well, since I've been so foggy. It survived well even with the brain fog and interruptions so it must be clearly written.

Deep State by Walter Jon Williams

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I don't think this book would make a lot of sense without having first read This Is Not a Game, but it's a very satisfying sequel. I liked This Is Not a Game better in many ways because of its tighter focus on ARGs and the interesting implications of the Group Mind. However, one major strength of Deep State was that events which occurred in the first book still had ongoing impact as more than merely plot points; so many books with action have characters that just shrug off the trauma and move on to the next action. Dagmar and co. have to struggle with the consequences of their decisions (and of the decisions of others) and that makes them all the more human. Dagmar is definitely the most fleshed out character as the book is written from her POV, but I feel that the other characters are distinct and interesting as well.

Some of the technical aspects of the book require a hefty dose of suspension of disbelief, but the characters kept me engaged nonetheless. I also used to work on networks for a living so the technology described is likely more jarring for me than the average reader. I did very much enjoy the shout-out to my old friend Hayes and lively commentary on nerd culture.

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