Insomnia Reminders

Apr 12, 2010 02:58

When I decide it's "too much trouble" to find the benadryl, even though I'm having an obvious reaction to either the dairy or hidden corn in my rather daring dinner, I am going to wake up at 1am from horrifying itching and leg cramping, not "sleep through it." I've done this before and I know better! Next time I'm finding the benadryl even if I have to wake up Brad, and I didn't even have to.

FWIW it was yummy enough that it was worth the insomnia, especially after eating cold travel food all day, but I still hope I get SOME sleep tonight.

In other gimpy news, Santa Fe was in the middle of juniper pollen and wind season, so both of us had worse allergies than at home, but that didn't stop us from walking in the delicious 7am sunshine almost every morning, so my body clock is doing better. I also managed 10k steps along with Brad three days running. I think that is pushing it -- I've been having some post-exertional fatigue and achy muscles -- but it means our more moderate plan of 20-30 minute morning walks is feasible if I don't insist on sunlight and plan for it the night before like we did in Santa Fe, laying out all my clothes.

blah, health

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