Six Changes: Belated New Years Post

Jan 15, 2010 15:01

I saw a link to the 6 Changes Method for forming new habits and I thought I'd give it a try. I like the way that it focuses entirely on one habit every two months, and on accountability.

Last year my goals were to eat better and exercise as well -- I was successful for 2-3 months out of the year, during the time when I was having a partial remission, but then slacked again afterwards. Regardless of this slacking, I managed to go from a normal weight of 145, which was somewhat overweight, to a healthy weight of 120lbs, and maintain it that way. I also realized that WoW was more of a stresser than a source of pleasure for me so I successfully kicked it as a habit, at the end of the year. I theoretically worked on dental care and while I improved over my abysmal track record (I have always loathed flossing) I cannot say that I have done a very good job. I did at least go to the dentist regularly and work through all of the problems brought about by my neglect, including a long-overdue wisdom tooth extraction, but I still don't have a good flossing habit. I also created a new habit to feed Brad, which I've carried out successfully (with a few hitches over the winter break) into this year. And I got my sleep schedule under control, and now wake at 6am and take my medicine by 7am even if I then go right back to sleep, which is a big improvement over some of the bad sleep patterns I've had. So all in all I think I made a good deal progress last year despite the fact that most of these goals were sort of mish-moshed together rather than being treated as separate goals with two month blocks for each.

I want to try this method because I think it's more focused and I might be even more successful at building useful habits this way, and I'm less likely to feel overwhelmed if I have a period of bad health because I'm only adding one new habit every two months.

So here are six habits I would like to form this year:

1) Eating better
2) Dental care (especially daily flossing)
3) Exercising regularly
4) Computer backups and file organization
5) Being more social
6) Decluttering/home organization

I made "eating better" my first goal for two reasons: the first is that I think it's really key to my health and energy levels, and the second because I already have some habits still in place from last year, so it's easier to revert to it than to build a new habit from scratch, and that's good since I'm already halfway through January. I may end up "cheating" by trying to also incorporate exercise, because I want to exercise whenever I feel able to, but again since exercise is a holdover from last year so I already have some habits and strength from that, I don't think it'll degrade my food goal especially as I'm giving myself permission to prioritize food. Also, this goal helps Brad as well, because if I am focused more on healthy eating I tend to prepare more healthy foods for both of us, making more from-scratch soups and the harder to prepare but more nutritious vegetables, which can give him better nutrients than simply slapping a store-bought dressing onto a salad.

Baby steps for eating better:

1) 1/4-1/10: Eliminate or at least minimize all known allergens; minimize suspected allergens (uncultured dairy.) Complete: eating only minimal amounts of cheese, cottage cheese, and yogurt/kefir. Mostly using non-dairy alternatives. Have eaten no corn incl. starch this month.
2) 1/11-1/17: Cut empty calories to 10% or less of total diet: this consists of all fat over 30% of diet, more than 1/3rd fat being saturated, sweeteners, non-whole grains, potatoes, CAFO meat.
3) 1/18-1/24: Track everything I eat (I'm using Lose It! on the iPod touch.) Also track crashes and probable reactions to food.
4) 1/25-1/31: Start "pantry rotating" i.e. using stockpiled food in the freezer and pantry to replace it with fresh stores.
5) 2/1-2/7: Eat at least "five a day" fruits and vegetables, preferably 2 servings fruit, 3-5 vegetables.
6) 2/8-2/14: At least 1/3rd of all meals should be wholly vegetarian while still containing enough protein for my personal needs (ovo/lacto is allowed.)
7) 2/15-2/21: At least 25g of fiber a day and 8 cups of water.
8) 2/22-2/28: Regularly make soup from scratch. (Enough for at least half the week.)

(Edited to make weeks begin on Monday, which is more convenient for me.)

goals, food, health

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