Bits of Cooking (and Tea)

Jan 13, 2010 23:00

Cooking today:

* Fridge-cleaning scrambled eggs with smoked mackerel, a little brown rice, some chopped and sauteed kale ends, a shallot, and a clove of garlic.
* Roasted kabocha squash and yams with crushed walnuts and walnut oil. (From the roasted veggies from yesterday.) These were even better with a little ume vinegar sprinkled on top.
* Brad's lunch and dinner (nothing exciting since this mostly consists of reheating and packing in things like the aforementioned squash, but I guess it counts.)

I also made it to the farmer's market, yay! I got golden beets, a cherimoya and a mango (both ripe so I'll want to eat them very soon), another variety of kabocha to try, baby lettuce, onions, and wonder of wonders smoked beef ribs made from grass-fed beef. I haven't gotten to eat beef ribs around a decade so this is a rare treat; I ended up getting four to munch on and four to freeze for later. (If I'd been smart I would have cut the other four up into pieces before freezing so I could use them one at a time, oops.) These were slow hickory smoked with a spice rub and are very very tasty.

I have enough fresh produce that I really need to stay on top of it, but I'm excited by various possible combinations so unless I'm completely flat I will hopefully be producing more foods. Roasted beet soup sounds good, for instance. I also want to use up the rest of the smoked mackerel in a frittata but am out of eggs and they only had jumbos at the farmer's market. Not that I have anything specific against jumbos, but my recipes are all calibrated for larges, and also they are a little more precarious in their packaging so it's not exactly fun to hike around with a dozen of them. Fun egg fact: jumbos have the same yolk size but more white, except sometimes they have double yolks.

I'm tracking my eating again, too, as of Monday. I didn't track my crashes yesterday but I'll start tracking them today.

I also got some real walking in -- I wandered around town looking for a belt (unsuccessfully) and also stopped at the tea shop to celebrate finishing off the bi lo chun by getting some gyokuro, which I've never tried before. A mile and a half all told, not counting whatever I walked at the farmer's market and while wandering through shops.

food, health

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