On Joy

May 22, 2009 16:36

I realize that what I post probably sounds like a big wad of boring and often negative stuff. I post it not to be a bummer or boring but to keep track of what's going on. I should make more of an effort to post about, as well as things that I'm worried about, need to do, or have eaten lately (which does qualify, almost always, on the happy side) I should put more effort into posting the positive.

Even when I'm going through bad health stretches, as I am now, I am for the most case happy. I'm often sleepy, often in pain, but my life really is very very good. I have what I need and many things to love and play with and do, more than I can ever do in a lifetime whatever my ability level is. This is a very *good* state. So even if I don't say it in every single post... life is usually very good. I post about what's different; if that comes off as negative it's because my baseline is good.

From my comment on drivingblind's most excellent post on joy.

What are YOU excited about? What's your joy?

Tell me.

Things that I like in no particular order but just as they occur to me:

Brad, who is still awesome and new and exciting and fun even though I've been married to him for coming on ten years, dated him for ten years before that, and knew him even before that. I would like to keep doing this and learning about and growing with him for the next twenty years and beyond, please.

The dogz, who introduce a pleasing amount of nose-poking, randomness, and lunch stealing into our lives. Yes, it mostly amuses me when Moose eats the bacon right in front of me and eats it faster when I try to make him stop. Laughing makes it harder to stop him. Even though I really like bacon and it was MINE.

Food. Food food foodity food. I feel blessed that even with a wonky list of allergies and intolerances, there is still so much delicious FOOD for me. "Any diet that includes strawberries, sushi, steak, ice cream, bacon, and artichokes isn't actually restricted."

My friends, who have trials but also triumphs. I have a LOT of friends or friends-of-friends who are pregnant right now and/or raising small children and I find that vicariously exciting; it's like they're going on a big journey to a new place. I feel proud of them for doing it, too. I feel like rearing a child has become recognized as a an act of creation and I love that.

Creative works. Even when I'm not being directly creative it makes me very happy to be able to read and watch the efforts of others. There are people out there who enrich the world merely for love. When they can make a living from that it is even better.

So... what are YOU excited about? What's your joy?

people, thinks, critters, fun, health

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