Home is full of YAY

Mar 16, 2008 08:55

We did have a very nice time down south, but I was pretty ready to go home by the time we left. I like my home.

The travel was uneventful, which I always like. It was also rather slow and tedious, but at least not hot -- gone are the days of sitting around in a steaming hot airport or waiting for buses to take you to and from the planes.

I've written Brad up the checklist and given him a "Jack bag" with all of the pens, labels, pictures, etc. he may need for the trip. So that is all pretty much in line now.

One of the nice side benefits of the trip was that our hotel room got so much lovely light, even though it was west facing, that I woke up naturally around 6am this morning. I got up and lightboxed at 7am, which was after true dawn but rather grey, and am hoping to fix my schedule to that. We'll see; the natural light may not be quite good enough to support it here, but the days are getting longer and I'd like to be more in synch with Brad if at all possible. My pattern in Mexico was to have a long afternoon nap, but waking up so early in the morning was always a treat; I could go out and watch the frigate birds and pelicans and the sea.

I am really going to miss the sound of the ocean. I'm still surprised by how soothing it was, even though it was very loud and when I listened for it it seemed almost intrusive. But when I wasn't paying attention to it it would fade into the background. Teresa said that's what convinced her to get the timeshare there, and I agree. The constant sound of the ocean, and the ability to just look out the window and see it, was one of the best things about this trip. It's been a very long time when I have come back from a long trip and felt this good the day after, and I attribute that to all of the restful sleep I got there, plus a week off from my allergies. It was also quite a treat to be able to walk around without collapsing right afterwards. Yes, I slept a lot while I was there, but it felt like a larger proportion of that sleep was restful than usual, and I even had some real dreams, and I didn't have nearly as many crashes.

But still, I was just so happy to go home. We had a car service from the airport; it turns out it costs about the same as long term parking on any trip more than a few days, and that's another very nice thing for us: we don't have to wrestle our car out of parking, but instead are met by a driver who takes us home. This time he had the Prius so we compared notes on our Priuses -- they've put over 200K on their two Priuses combined and haven't needed service yet! And they love them. So they're definitely going to be testing our dealer's service procedures before we need it ourselves.

When we got home, the house was very brr from having been unheated all week, so we turned the heat on and bundled into bed. Our heater is very efficient but very slow to warm up.

I miss Moose! We can't get him until later today and I'm really looking forward to having him back from the kennel.

people, travel, critters, fun

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