Lumpy Bumpy Moose

Nov 27, 2007 05:41

We got back from Sonoma on Wednesday, leaving early so we could spring Moose from the kennel. This turned out to be a very good thing because he'd opened up the fatty tumor on his foreleg, and it meant we could get him into the vet on Friday instead of waiting for Monday. He's had two big tumors, one on a front leg and one on a back, for several years now. The vet said that they weren't something to worry about as long as they weren't attached to the bone (they're not) and didn't change, but either he accidentally cut it open while playing, or something changed and he started gnawing on it. They'd dressed it and put a sock over that and tape over the sock, which held pretty well but we were pretty happy when we could get him into the vet on Friday for a real dressing that he couldn't lick off, and antibiotics.

The weekend is a little fuzzy because I had at least one and maybe two migraines; I can't remember exactly. I've had fewer flareups lately but I've been having a series of migraines. Brad took Moose into the vet on Saturday to get checked; if he was worse they would have scheduled him for surgery today.

I took Moose into the vet today to get his dressing redone; it's no better and no worse. Moose is getting sick of being pilled: he actually clenches his jaw shut when he sees the antibiotics coming out, though he doesn't run away. Poor dog! Maybe we should try wrapping them in food and see if he spits them out. His surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, probably late in the day. They're going to take both the infected tumor and the other one; the vet's a little worried about the back one because he might have to do a skin graft. I'm hoping that he just busted it open and it's not malignant, but we'll know after the surgery. They didn't do a biopsy because it needs to come out any which way and they can test it after, and the other one is sort of "since we're going to have him under general ANYWAY and it's not doing him any good..." We're also going to go over him tomorrow and check for any more bumps; we can just mark him with a sharpie if we find anything suspicious, and they can check it.

I'm worried, naturally, but the vet IS really good, and Moose has seemed to be in good spirits and good energy, and he's eating well. I'm looking forward to the surgery being done.

travel, critters

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