Mar 05, 2010 15:11
Thanks for the replies and stuff on the previous post.
So I've been sick for about a month now. Early February, it was a really bad sore throat that later developed into a persistent cough, but it eventually went away after two weeks or so (and just in time to start my new job).
But almost exactly a week after my recovery, I started getting a cough again, along with post nasal drip. The coughing was so bad that it'd force me into dry heaving and then vomiting. Then I started feeling very weak and nauseous--all the time--and found myself unable to concentrate on work at all. And then, I found myself constantly dehydrated, no matter how much water I drank. Now I've got swollen, white tonsils and a sore throat again, so it's been really painful to swallow, let alone be alive at this point. In any case, it looks like I have mono and it might take me a long time to recover since it's a viral infection. If I'm lucky, the tonsillitis and sinus infection are bacterial and I can get anti-biotics for them, but I have no medical insurance and no experience with free clinics. Hopefully I can schedule a visit for next week.
I cannot express how miserable I feel right now. Part of it might be that I've gone from a food-lover to no appetite. I can't even try to conjure up an appetite by imagining my favorite foods. I'm also sure part of it is that I haven't been able to keep any food down for a week. The good side could be that I'm sure I'll lose weight, but I really don't think the pain is worth it at this point... I hope this doesn't mean I have to call off seeing Alice in Wonderland with K-nog ;'