(no subject)

Mar 26, 2006 23:59

I'm super tired and feel like I got dropped off a tall tall building. But I have a few pieces of news...good news even:

- I got accepted to every school I applied at. So far, the Mount is looking pretty good.
- I'm done treatment in the end of AUGUST.
- may or may not still be taking first semester off...I shall think it though, and then make up my mind...I'm accepted anyways. Byyyam.
- IWK is lame, and fucks up too much. I'm hella mad about having to miss a week of school due to their lack of organization. Oh well, school tomorrow....bleghhhh.

So PC's conference call meeting was beyond rediculous. Yea stuff got done, but it was frustrating.


Annnnnd cut.
Good night everyone.
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