Survey Sez

Nov 20, 2003 01:41

I got this survey off of clawfoot

1. Your name spelled backwards. Ddot (but I like Pilf better)

2. Where were your parents born? My dad was born around here as I was, but my mother was never given birth. She was spewed out of the depths of hell and emerged around here as well. She is off doing her demon havoc somewhere in California now. To the friends who live there, good luck with that.

3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? I tried to send anevilyak some mp3's that I made with that Soundtrack program, but his ISP bounced them, so I had to wait the 45 minutes to get the email back. Computers are fun. I swear.

4. What's your favorite restaurant? Paparazii. It's a little Italian joint that just makes food that does your tongue the best it's ever been done.

5. Last time you swam in a pool? Wow. I guess that would have to be Bob's pool. Bob was a middle management guy at Kroger's who I thought was about the coolest person I ever met. Really laid back. His wife was super nice too. That must of been at least ten years ago. I wonder if he's still working at Kroger's. Anyway, we have a lot of lakes here, and I've swam in those since.

6. Have you ever been in a school play? I remember being in something like a play, but all I remember about it was mom made me this really fancy unicorn mask I had to pull over my head. I remember the teacher really liking it and asking if she could have it for the following year's renditions of the play. I remember my mother saying no to the teacher, getting really mad, and screaming at her with words like, bitch. What the play was about or why I had to wear the mask really didn't leave as big an imprint. ;)

7. How many kids do you want? I think I'll pass in this area of life. It's my duty. The world is better off.

8. Type of music you dislike most? I don't really dislike a type. There are songs in all genres that I like, and I like all kinds. There are definitely some kinds that I'm in the mood for more often than others though.

9. Are you registered to vote? I think so. If you register once, does it stick for life? I only voted once, and that was because some girl dragged me to wait in that god awful line. I'm kind of rooting for it to get really bad anyway so the revolution will happen. It's not like a commie pinko will get elected in my life time anyway.

10. Do you have cable? I have DirectTV with a billion and two channels. I think I watch five of them.

11. Have you ever ridden on a moped? You know those days where it decides that water should come down in sheets instead of drops? That is the day I decided that I should borrow a friend's moped to drive up to my teeny bopper Burger King job at the time. That was a good day. For some reason, I haven't gotten back on one of those things.

12. Ever prank call anybody? Sure. Isn't that kind of a right of passage? I'm not sure what kids do now a days with things like caller id and *69. I worry for them because of it.

13. Ever get a parking ticket? I've only gotten two parking tickets and both were in California. There seemed to be something about California police and me. Besides the tickets, there was one night, I think I ran a red light, and five police came out of nowhere and pulled me over. FIVE COP CARS! Oh, wait. I remember. They said I was tailgating someone. Yeah, that was it. Don't they have movie stars to protect or something?? Also, I drove out there but flew back. I had just abandoned my car in front of someone's house I didn't know. A friend called to say I am now a criminal there and wanted for that. The state is fricken uptight if you ask me. Aren't they the suppose to be kind of relaxed about stuff there?

I bet I'd have better luck down south where they always tell you, "We don't like strangers 'round these parts, boy."

14. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? Nah. I'm kind of scared of heights. A frisbee went on a roof last summer, and I really honestly tried to act all brave. I put the ladder against the house and even climbed to the top, but could not put the foot on the roof. I think I've told you I've fell off roofs and landed on my butt. Again, ass falls are the worst! A girl ended up climbing up there and getting it. I had no problem with that. ;)

16. Do you have a garden? No, and I don't have much interest in it either. Maybe when I retire, I'll try it.

17. What's your favorite comic strip? Definitely and without a doubt, Calvin and Hobbes. Best strip ever and into the infinite future. Everything else sucks donkey tail comparatively speaking.

18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? Nope. Remember, I'm rooting for the revolution. ;)

19. Bath or Shower, morning or night? Shower, but once in a while, I'll take a bath. I always get the idea that somehow you can read in the tub, but it never works. I play with the bubbles a while, but then get pretty darn bored quick. Oh, and I fell asleep one time in the tub and woke up shivering my prune hiny off. Most of the time, I take the shower in the morning, but I really like going out in public with bed head. Something about that just says screw all that trying to look fancy on the outside. I'm liberated! Look at me with my bed head! You're right. I'm amused too easily.

20. Best movie you've seen in the past month? I've been seeing some really good ones these past few months with my Netflix account. Full Frontal, Lovely and Amazing, Thirteen Conversations About One Thing, Tape, My Life As A Dog, THE TAO OF STEVE, Blood Simple, Kramer vs. Kramer, Rosemarry's Baby, Roger Dodger, Adaptation.

I really liked the Tao Of Steve. :)

21. Favorite pizza topping? I think Italian sausage, but that's one of those you just can't have alone on a pizza like pepperoni, is it? You got to have something else mixed in there with it.

22. Chips or popcorn? I'd have to go with chips just because I really don't like popcorn. I don't often eat chips, but they're okay when I do.

23. What color lipstick do you usually wear? I don't think this one applies in many different ways.

24. Have you ever smoked peanut shells? No, but I have actually smoked a leaf crushed up and rolled in toilet paper. Ahhh, to be a smoker and poor.

25. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? No. I had to wear a scarring unicorn mask that I barely remember what for, so you think I'm going to get up on some stage and have five other people tell me I'm not good enough? no thanks.

26. Orange juice or apple? Both are fantastic and wonderful inventions. Mostly, I like apple though because it's a lot lighter and you can drink more. Orange can be a little thick sometimes.

27. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine? Bonnie, and I forget the name of the place.

28. Favorite type of chocolate bar? Do they even make a bad chocolate bar?

29. When was the last time you voted at the polls? I think it was the time the alligator shoe and chart guy was running. I don't remember who I voted for. I just picked one I never heard of before.

30. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? I don't know. I don't generally ask where things on my plate come from. I deny it all. I don't want to know.

31. Have you ever won a trophy? Ribbons I think, but no trophy.

32. Are you a good cook? Does microwaving count? I'm good enough to sustain my life, but most other people don't think my cooking will sustain theirs.

33. Do you know how to pump your own gas? Is it even an option not to pump it yourself anymore?

34. Ever order an article from an infomercial? No. I've bought things from spam though! Ha! I'm the reason you get hundreds of emails a day that you don't want because they are looking for people like me! Suck it up pal! Okay. I'm just kidding. I've never bought anything from spam either.

35. Sprite or 7-up? Is Sprite that lemon/lime stuff? If so, I like that better.

36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work? how about school? Not to school, but supposedly a lot of the parent's in my highschool wanted us to wear uniforms. We had strict dress codes though. Girls had to wear skirts or dresses of a certain length for most of the year (the really cold months they could wear pants), and there was absolutely no jeans allowed. No T-Shirts either.

For work, I worked at BK and Taco Bell, so yeah.

37. Last thing you bought at a pharmacy? Shaving cream.

38. Ever throw up in public? Well of course. I did like the booze you know but was never really good at it. One time though, I did puke on the girlfriend's lawn at about 3 in the morning and then slept in it for the rest of the night. I don't really remember much of what happened the next morning though. That's public, I'd say.

39. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love? Found true love. I'll try the millionaire thing now. :)

40. Do you believe in love at first sight? I don't know. I believe in most everything, and I've only had something like this happen to me once with one girl. I don't know if I can describe it without sounding corny, but it definitely felt like a ton of bricks labeled fate. It wasn't gush and she wasn't a bombshell. She was it though. Things seemed orchestrated too if you know what that's like. Botched that up real good, I did. She won't get out of my brain though or out of my heart.

41. Ever call a 1-900 number? I remember a friend thought it funny to call them and hand me the phone pretending it was some other mutual friend, but that's as close as I got.

42. Can exes be friends? Personally, I think that whole friendship of exes is hogwash. You can be civil, and you can be pleasant, but the whole reason you're hitting the road is because one of you can't stand the other any more. Why would you want to be friends with someone who doesn't actually like you or rejects you or said you weren't worthy of their smooches anymore?

43. Who was the last person you visited in a hospital? My Grandfather.

44. Did you have a lot of hair when you were a baby? I don't know. No pictures of me floating around that young (or at least none that I've seen) and no one has ever said, "You were completely BALD as a baby!!"

45. What did you eat today? Mac N' Cheese and a granola bar.

46. What's your all time favorite Saturday Night Live character? The Blues Brothers.

47. What was the name of your first pet? It was a cat which I didn't like because it made me itch and sneeze all the time. Docinae was it's name. I think we spelled that wrong though.

48. What is in your purse? Don't have one. If I did though, I'm not sure what I'd keep there. A flashlight would be nice sometimes. A pad of paper, and some pens would be too. I'm not sure I'd put money in there though, but it might become redundant to have a wallet.

49. Favorite thing to do before bedtime? LJ, of course. :)

50. What is one thing you are grateful for today? The market was up and funding my island good today. I saw a couple accidents coming home and was glad that wasn't me. I thought Martin was a good friend too and thought I was glad to have met him. I think my boss said "Fuck you" to his boss and was thankful for that. Nina was her super nice self again to me (she's the kindest person on the planet though) and I liked that as well. Dad's let me call him every day this week asking questions about the market, been really patient with me, and has tried to tell me a lot.. I've appreciated that. He was real talkative today and not in the middle of a nap when I called. I listened to the stereo and felt pretty darn lucky about that. Called Steve and was glad I wasn't him. The Mac N' Cheese was very good as well. There's more, but you said only one thing. ;)
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