Kids, Don't Do This At Home

Nov 18, 2003 13:42

Saturday night, I was up late on the computer. I got an email from my Internet provider that claimed they had trouble with deducting their payment from my checking account and asked for me to verify my information. I followed the link they provided in the email to their web page.

I filled it out.

Just after I hit the submit button, I remembered that my Internet provider had warned me about this sort of thing. There are people who have been doing this to try to trick you into giving them your money, so don't fill out any web pages like this.

I think Drake was kind of ticked because I was up the rest of the night worrying about it. I told him that it was just payday and they could take all that. What about the bills I just mailed off, would those bounce? Hell, they could kill someone, plant a fake visa with my name on it, and three months later, I could be talking to lawyers about how I wanted to stay away from the electric chair!! Right, I was getting a little carried away, but three hours later at 6am, I finally decided I wasn't going to get any sleep tonight unless I tried to do something about it.

I went to my Internet provider's site, and there they had a little form where you could punch in the url and they'd tell you if it was them or not. Sure enough, they said they had no idea who it was. I got on the phone with the bank, and I canceled my card. I told them what I had done with it last, and they said there was no new charges on it past that.

I then went to bed and fell asleep. Sunday morning (well afternoon because I was up all night), I called the bank again, and they still said there were no new charges. Whew. I still worried though because now what was I to do about money until the new card came. Checks are a pain in the wazoo, but I guessed I could go up to the bank and make an old fashioned withdrawal any time.

With the call, the person told me I had to go up to the bank to sign some things which I did yesterday. The teller said that I only needed to do that if I had a dispute with any of the charges. I asked her if there were any charges yet, and she told me the card was still not canceled. Supposedly, she helped me cancel it properly. She dialed the number, and I talked on her phone to try and do the same thing I did Sunday morning. I asked her too if she was sure, she said yes. I told her I don't have any disputes then because there were still no other charges pending. She kept asking me though if they had promised to send another card. They kind of did, it was in the recording they played once everything was settled with the live human being during the phone call. The teller made it sound like a new card was something I had to explicitly ask for though.

So, Monday during the day, I'm worried about whether this cancelation stuck and whether they'll send me a new one or I'll have to call them again.

I get home from work, and inside my mailbox is a debit card from my other account. I was thinking of getting one of these for the past few months but never got around to it. At the right time, the very right day, here it comes unasked.

I don't think I quite got the hang of bending the universe to my will yet, but I'm learning. Stay tuned for walking on water and other such nifty tricks.
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