Oct 23, 2010 21:06
I went to Maman's house today and her family fed me the most amazing crab ever. Better than Singapore chili crab, better than anything I've had in the Philippines, and better than-- You know, I've never had Canadian crab, but I bet you that it doesn't even hold a candle to what I had this afternoon. AMAZING.
To get there, of course, required driving up unfamiliar and rather frightening roads during village election period. On the way there was fairly straight forward, but the way back was blockade after blockade and platform after platform! The elections made the way home a zig-zag time-trial, but I surprised myself by keeping my wits and arriving home just in time to receive the zoo of students that flooded in.
The food and the adventure aside, it was also just nice to sit down and play video games with someone again. I haven't played a Dynasty Warriors style game since college, and I'm not the sort of person that is willing to purchase and play games like that on my own, so I was really happy when Pam brought over her PS3 and Sengoku Basara 2. I got to tool around with Masamune, and then I got to help finish a particularly difficult stage. Really want to try set aside a whole day dedicated to activity like that.
That's my today. I found more interesting things in my birthday book, so I'll post that tomorrow. I may also repost excerpts of a lecture given by a family member on the topic of our family history. Much too lazy to currently. Going to bask in my good day before the hell of a work week begins tomorrow.
adventure time,
life as a teacher