Personal freedom and identity are a huge part of who I am. My wariness of authority and conformity is reflexive, not affected; I don't think about rebellion, it just really happens. People either disagree with my methods, feel threatened by my blithe confidence, or believe that any deviation from the mode is anathema. Whatever the reason, the end
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Re: RP: I don't understand the supposed fun that's supposed to come from multifandom games now. It gets boring for me far too quickly and even more so if I know the canon because hey, there are only so many ways for people to react.
I'd like to make an RP that's different from that, but it won't happen because I know that there are far too little people who want the same things that I do from roleplaying. Besides this, I'm more fond of OCs than canon characters know how that goes.
Of course, there's a tie-in from this to what you said about the WoW people. It's not exactly learned helplessness, but people tend to follow the crowd when they feel like they're the only one. When I was a mod at this huge forum, I quickly gained praise from many people for my quick actions and because I actually bothered to pay attention to problem areas. I also discovered that some of the ninja mods actually preferred me to the others because they also thought that duty was more important than ego.
Cue blowups. A lot of people also complained that I was being too strict, especially after I banned one well-loved member who was also the favorite of another mod. What people DON'T know is that this was a former member who did lots of fun stuff like posting goatse and pretending that he did it by accident.
By accident. Read that.
As it were, our opinions differed: The members of mods of one side would eagerly defend anyone as long as they were fun, and I would defend no one if they were so inclined to actually break rules on a forum, on the principle that I never had to break a rule to be popular and interesting (I also thought said rule-breakers were boring, but that's another story).
Tl;dr: Tiny people think they're strong because they have numbers.
Summary: People are stupid.
Insofar as LJ is concerned, I'm always going to be that rare voice in favour of OC RP. The culture here really is geared toward fandom, and even games with OCs are never truly original. 've found it much easier to avoid the trap of the suethor in created settings; borrowed settings become far too tempting targets. If you need an example, simply glance over at the tumultuous history of Harry Potter OC RP.
Now I normally would just stand up and make my own game. Buck tradition, strike the earth, and carve out my own happy niche. Why I don't, though, is because I've yet to believe that such a thing is wanted in enough quantity to justify the effort put into such a project. Mostly, polling around for interest just gets lip service and the approval of one or two good friends... and then a lot of silence. While I do have a lot of energy, there's not much I can do on my own, and even with something I create for myself, I'm not willing to play the role of Atlas. As I've seen said on RPS so often when the OC RP issue is breached, I "might as well be writing a fucking book."
To everything else you said: I have nothing to add because I agree too much with you.
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